Friday at Smithfield Utah

I wanted more time for this one. I wanted to get much farther. But, there are soooo many fiddly little bits on this one. I started at the top, and worked my way down. It’s the opposite of the way you would build an actual building, but it feels more like sculpting or carving. I got to about the top of the uppermost windows, and even there I did not finish the detailing.

Here are the previous renders for Smithfield.

Draft 3 of the Freetown Sierra Leone Temple

Tuesday at Freetown Sierra Leone

I meant to post this yesterday, and got caught up in other things. I had a bit of time yesterday, not as much as I hoped, so I spent it at Sierra Leone working on my Model of the Freetown Temple. I believe I am mostly done with it, too. I still need the inscription, and the textures, of course, but the modeling is in place, so now I have begun on the landscaping.

Progress on Remaining models

Not including the models that are now ready for video creation, I want to update you on the creation of the remaining temple models.

Unlike last time, this post will not be including renovated temples awaiting completion.

Most of the models below have significant progress on smaller details. Each of the galleries below will have 2 images. One is the progress from the last post, the other will be the progress for this post.

Bacolod Philippines

Freetown Sierra Leon

Smithfield Utah

Grand Junction Colorado

Farmington New Mexico

Greater Guatemala City

Belo Horizonte Brazil

Cali Colombia

Torreón Mexico

Cape Town South Africa

Querétaro Mexico

Pushing to Catch Up

With the big historic projects I did last year, plus all the work I have been doing for clients, I have fallen behind on temple models. It has not helped that many of the new temple designs have failed to grab my imagination. it has made it difficult to stick to one model to completion. Sadly, this lack of interest means my models fall into 2 categories: Nearly complete, or Barely Started. There really is no in between with them right now.

Several years ago I was able to get caught up to the Church by working on a different temple each time I sat down to work. The project involved me making regular posts on the status of completion with each remaining temple model.

This weekend, it occurred to me that the same process would likely work now as well. So, today I am beginning a push to get caught up again. In truth, this may not actually be possible, if the Church keeps releasing renders and clients keep requesting work. But, at the least, it might make for more regular completion of models and videos. So with no further ado, her is the status of “everything else.”

First, Under Construction Temples

Far enough behind am I that there are now 2 temples actively under construction that I have not posted videos for.

Casper Wyoming

With ground broken 9 October 2021, Casper is the temple I could be considered most “behind” on. The good news is that I have basically finished, and Just need to get the video assets figured out.

Bacolod Philippines

Ground was broken for Bacolod Just last month, on 11 December 2021. Sadly, I am nowhere near as close to finished with Bacolod as I am Casper.

Bacolod Early 1

In addition to the two temples above, there is a temple with a quickly approaching groundbreaking that I have not finished either:

Freetown Sierra Leone

And by rapidly approaching, I mean 19 March this year. Despite the 2 months remaining till then, I am no more complete with Freetown than I am with Bacolod. In truth, I am probably LESS complete.


Temples with a render, but no Groundbreaking

These temples are temples with a render released, but no groundbreaking date set. This does remove that nagging feeling in the back of my head that I should finish the model, but that’s not so great for keeping up to date! I am posting these based upon their render release date.

Elko Nevada

I am happy to report that, though I seem to have been getting nothing done, I really have been working on stuff behind the scenes. Elko is one of those that, like Casper, is essentially complete, but needs video assets gathered together.

Smithfield Utah

Truthfully, I just started Smithfield over the weekend. This is one of the few designs that really has me inspired, so when I actually had the chance to dig into it, I worked pretty quick.


Grand Junction Colorado

This looks worse than it is. It is actually more complete than a couple others on here, because even though I have not fleshed out the whole mass of the building, I have started in on some harder to-do details already.


Farmington New Mexico

I find the design of this one intriguing. There are lots of little nooks and crannies on this design that will be interesting to reproduce.

Unfortunately, I have not started in on any of those nooks and crannies.


Burley Idaho

When I started in on the Burley Idaho Temple, I mistakenly thought it was identical to Auckland New Zealand, which I have already finished. It’s very similar, but not close enough to use the one as a starting place for the other. This frustrated me so much that I pushed through and essentially finished it. Video to follow, soon.

Yorba Linda California

I thought I was done with Yorba Linda, one of those few designs that really grabbed my imagination. Unfortunately, as I look at it now, I think I made it too big for the site, and there are some other issues with it one of my friends pointed out. This one will take some time to redo. I need to check the size of everything, fix the issues with that, fix the camera angles, and a bunch of other little things.

Greater Guatemala City

On a side not, I have to wonder if this will be the official name for this temple, as they released the render without releasing an official name. On this temple, I decided to pull in Salvador Brazil as a base to work off, and was astonished to find that, with some modifications, it is nearly identical in size, shape, and detailing. I still have to do almost as much tear down as I do build up here, but it’s farther along than most

Belo Horizonte Brazil

Now, here is a design that thoroughly caught my attention. Sadly, the front view render makes it harder to replicate the design. The good news is, I already know which floor plan it has to be using, so I can base it off a temple that is already nearly complete.

Cali Colombia

This temple falls into the same space as Belo Horizonte. Front render makes it harder, I already know the floor plan, I’ll get there in the end.

Torreón Mexico

Torreón Mexi shares a floor plan with Cali, and several other temples. As is the case with most of these temples, I can easily compare them to existing or nearly complete temples to verify that I am getting them right.

Sadly, while I distinctly remember starting this model, nothing is left of it. I have no idea what happened to it, but a thorough search, and it is nowhere to be found.

So here is a quick restart on the model.

Cape Town South Africa

I originally thought I had lost the Cape Town model, but then I found it in the Torreon Mexico folder. I think I probably saved this one over the top of that one. I should not model when tired!

Querétaro Mexico

I am 100% certain, based on size and shape, that this temple shares the Salvador Brazil Temple floor plan, though with markedly different windows. I had initially thought that, like the Greater Guatemala City Temple, I could actually use Salvador (back) to build Querétaro (front,) but they turn out to be just enough different in details that it is only good as a reference.

The Renovations and the Redo’s

Even when I was caught up, I was never completely caught up. There are enough temples with changing designs that I need to redo, as well as designs I guessed wrong and need to remake.

Baton Rouge Louisiana

The 2019 rededication of Baton Rouge needs to be finished:

Columbus Ohio

I have the currently in progress renovation for Columbus to complete:

Neiafu Tonga

A correction video for Neiafu Tonga coming.

Pago Pago American Samoa

Another of the same coming for Pago Pago.

Raleigh North Carolina

I still need to finish the renovation from Raliegh that was dedicated in 2019

Tokyo Japan

The renovation from Tokyo I need to finish modeling.

Hamilton New Zealand

The renovation at Hamilton New Zealand, which has some changes to the exterior, I need to finish with.

Harare Zimbabwe

I need to fix my Harare model.

Salt Lake

I really should update my renovation model for the Salt Lake Temple with the redesigned grounds, in so far as the church has released that information.

Mesa Arizona

The most recent renovation for Mesa needs to be finished and published.

Provo Utah

And of course, there is the recently announced renovation for Provo I need to do.

Then there are still my infographics to update, my Moroni book to update, historical models to chip away at, pending details for Logan to see, confirmation of what they will do at Manti for the annex, and a few grounds changes for St. George.

Plus there is all my historical variations I am working on, but I am not about to add them to the to-do list!

So there you go, every temple that I have not published, currently in progress. I hope to catch up and get them all done soon, hopefully before too many more designs are released.

Willamette Valley Oregon Temple model and video

With the big three videos finally released this year, and with a slight pause in my other commitments, I have taken the time to push through the Willamette Valley Temple video. As well as a few others, but you will get to see those later. Enjoy!

Continue reading “Willamette Valley Oregon Temple model and video”

Lindon Utah Temple model and video

I have had much going on, between my three big historic videos I am doing this year, and some other contract work. As a consequence, even though the official render for the Lindon Utah Temple came out months ago, it’s really just been in the last couple of weeks I have been able to put any effort into it.

Continue reading “Lindon Utah Temple model and video”

Deseret Peaks Utah Temple, 2nd video

I have updated my model for the Deseret Peaks Utah Temple. The temple is at its new proper location, and has updated landscaping to reflect the current plans for the temple. It also has a couple of mistakes I will have to fix in a future video.

Continue reading “Deseret Peaks Utah Temple, 2nd video”