Quick! Download or view this Temple Infographic now before the Church announces more!

This version of my info graphic contains all announced temples including Rio de Janeiro Brazil and Arequipa Peru, which were just revealed a couple of weeks ago.
All the Models
So, does this mean I am finished with all the temple models?!?!?
Ummm, no, unfortunately. Somewhere along the way as I made this over the last month, It dawned on me that with a little work I could probably include all the temples. It would require me finishing the temple model for about 30 temples. I finished about 3 of them before I realized I only actually had to finish the side facing the camera. So I HAVE finished at least 25% of every remaining temple model.
So I got that going for me.
Special Features
Over the years I have collected much information on temples, including historical data. In this version of the infographic, you will see small icon like renders man of the temples that feature changes made to the temples over time. These will include changes to the exterior or to the temple annex.
Possible Errors
Yep. There are possible errors. Each temple in this infographic has between 2 and 17 individual data-points, across 175 individual temples. One datapoint for each temple is the model, which itself has hundreds of datapoints (Height, width, length, proportion, color, trim-work, windows, doors etc.) So in all we are talking hundreds of thousands of points of data. And all maintained, input and created by one guy.
To add to that, the working file for creating this is so wide that it exceeds the ability of the jpg file format by 10,000 pixels, and when uncompressed for editing it takes up 4.5 Gb of disk space, which causes every edit to run slow.
So yeah, there are probably errors.
That said I have worked hard over a long time to minimize the errors. If you think you notice one, feel free to politely point it out to me, and I will either fix it at a future date or let you in on the data I have that caused me to do it the way I did.
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