Barranquilla Colombia Temple
Video and Model Details
This is my second attempt at reproducing the Barranquilla Temple. Unlike my first attempt, the temple was nearly complete and in the middle of the open house as I made this model. I was able to find fairly decent reference material for the model.
Additionally, I tried a few new things with some of the textures. It is not greatly noticeable, but I put a lot of effort into making sure the pavers were facing the correct direction for each section of sidewalk.
Turquoise-winged Parrotlet · Forpus spengeli
Andrew Spencer, XC165598. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/165598.
Bicolored Conebill · Conirostrum bicolor
Bernabe Lopez-Lanus, XC56977. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/56977.
Blender: 2.79b
Render: Cycles
Whole Scene
Vertices: 6,363,462
Faces: 7,290,313
Objects: 296
File Size: 15.7 Mb
Temple Only
Vertices: 1,615,390
Faces: 1,600,559
Objects: 87
File Size: 9.77 Mb
Video and Model Details
Canto de aves calle 71 con cra 1ra Bogotá – PaisajesSonorosUrbanos
Blender: 2.78
Render: Cycles
Whole Scene
Vertices: 63,788
Faces: 55,256
Objects: 149
File Size: 1.55 Mb
Temple Only
Vertices: 45,778
Faces: 41,383
Objects: 43
File Size: 1.32 Mb