Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple
Baton Rouge Louisiana 2019
This is an attempt to model the reconstructed Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple.
Swainson’s Warbler · Limnothlypis swainsonii
Matt Brady, XC291225. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/291225.
Baton Rouge Louisiana 2000
The Baton Rouge Temple Model was another in my more recent 2 stage models. The original was made for Google Earth. This is a significantly more detailed model than the one on Google Earth, but as usual it was derived from the earlier model.
City Street 3 – sagetyrtle
Summer Insects Cardinal – kvgarlic
Modeled: 2.63
Render: Cycles
Whole Scene
Vertices: 27,204
Faces: 23,664
Objects: 141
File Size: 9.57 Mb
Temple Only
Vertices: 21,485
Faces: 18,463
Objects: 36
File Size: 5.37 Mb