Billings Montana Temple Photos
Below you will find links to all of my Billings Montana Temple photoshoots. I have included all the images, good and bad. All images can be downloaded and used in accordance with the license. For your convenience, you can find a copyright release form for printing here.
My History: The Billings Montana Temple
I first visited the Billings Montana Temple on a lonely trip to escape the stress of work. It was a trip to the Cardston Alberta Temple, with stops in Idaho Falls and Rexburg on the way.
Funny story about my visit to the Billings Temple. I arrived on a Monday. Temples are typically closed Mondays, especially Monday evening. This is to encourage members to spend time with their families.
Billings was no exception.
So I’m wandering around the fence, taking pictures as the sun sets, when I get stopped by the Church’s Security guard. The security guard was a man who used to work at the Orem, Utah, Fred Meyer with me. I was the department Assistant Manager, and he was training to be Assistant Manager at another store with my Department’s Manager. We caught up for a moment, and then he let me on the grounds to take more pictures. Small world.

2013 08 09 PM
Camera: Pentax K10D
Shots: 194
Format: 6 Megapixel
Medium: Digital
Light: Sunrise
Season: Summer

2013 08 09 AM
Camera: Pentax K10D
Shots: 215
Format: 6 Megapixel
Medium: Digital
Light: Sunrise
Season: Summer

2006 08 04 PM
Camera: Pentax *istDL
Shots: 127
Format: 6 Megapixel
Medium: Digital
Light: Dusk
Season: Spring

2006 08 04 AM
Camera: Pentax *istDL
Shots: 94
Format: 6 Megapixel
Medium: Digital
Light: Overcast
Season: Spring