Birmingham Alabama Temple Photos
My History: The Birmingham Alabama temple
Below you will find links to all of my Birmingham Alabama Temple photoshoots. I have included all the images, good and bad. All images can be downloaded and used in accordance with the license. For your convenience, you can find a copyright release form for printing here.
I visited the Birmingham Alabama Temple on the Epic Summer road trip of 2011 with my wife and Daughter. Birmingham Temple sits in a spot of ground that was hollowed out of the hill behind it. The lawn goes up the side of this hill, which is about as tall as the temple. It provides a wonderful sheltered lawn and backdrop. It also provides a nice vantage point to view the temple from.

2011 06 24
Camera: Pentax K10D
Shots: 114
Format: 10 Megapixel
Medium: Digital
Light: Day
Season: Summer
Total: 114