Brigham City Utah Temple Photos

My History: The Brigham City Utah Temple

The Brigham City Utah Temple is just far enough away that getting to it is not quite convenient. It’s still closer than what many in the world deal with, but kids, and school, and work and such. I managed to make at least one visit during the construction period, then a couple afterwards as well.

Photography Visits


30 June 2011

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A stop by the temple, then under construction. It was still a few weeks a way from the Angel Moroni placement.

25 July 2011

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We stopped by the Brigham City Temple on our way home from Logan where we purchased a beat up old car for me to drive to school and back. The Temple was nice, the Moroni was now in place, and the car broke down in Bountiful never to run again.

11 October 2012

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This early morning stop was part of a family trip to Calgary, Alberta, Canada for the temple open house there. This was our first visit since the temple had been dedicated and I took the opportunity to take all kinds of photos.

13 October 2012

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This afternoon was the second stop on this trip, this time on our way back from Calgary.

8 August 2013

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Part of the 2013 epic temple trip with my Mission Companion. It’s the first time we were able to add this temple to one of our trips.