Cedar City Utah Temple Wiki
The Cedar City Temple is a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints currently under construction in Cedar City, Utah. The design is a three story with a single tower set up on a hill on the west end of town. It serves members 17 stakes headquartered in southern Utah and eastern Nevada, an area which includes approximately 50,000 members. One of the great temple hymns, “High on a Mountain Top,” was written by Joel Hill Johnson while living in Enoch, Utah, a suburb of Cedar City. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Cedar City, Utah, currently participate in temple ordinances at the St. George Utah Temple, located approximately 50 miles to the south. The St. George Utah Temple serves members from 48 stakes in Southern Utah, Eastern Nevada, and Northern Arizona.
Planning and Approval
In September 2012, seven months before the announcement, ground on the hill was subdivided into three parcels: a large parcel on the west side of S Cove Dr, a parcel on the east side of the street, and a parcel to the north. The Church finalized purchase of the 21-acre west-side parcel the following November.[1]”Cedar City Planning Commission Minutes,” Cedar City, Utah 4 Sept. 2012, 7 Apr. 2013
Leigh Hill rises high on the west side of the city, commanding a beautiful view of the mountains to the east.
Plans for the Cedar City Utah Temple had been presented to the local government for construction on South Cove Drive by the time the temple had been announced. On the weekend of the temple announcement, numerous members visited the site—on the north side of Leigh Hill—as it was already understood by many that property had been acquired there for a temple.[2]Sam Penrod and Carole Mikita, “LDS General Conference draws to a close,” KSL.com 7 Apr. 2013, 7 Apr. 2013 .
The temple was announced by President Thomas S. Monson on April 6, 2013, during the Saturday morning session of the 183rd Annual General Conference .[3]Walker, Joseph (April 6, 2013). “LDS react with joy to temples announced in Cedar City, Rio”. Deseret News. Retrieved April 6, 2013.[4]
“New Temples Announced for Cedar City, Utah and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil”, Newsroom, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 6, 2013
The temple was announced concurrently with the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple.
On May 4 of 2015 the Church announced the pending groundbreaking for the Cedar City Temple, 2 years after the temple was first announced.[5]Brian Passey, “LDS Church Breaks Ground for Cedar City Temple,” The Specturm, 8 August 2015.
On Saturday, August 8, 2015, L. Whitney Clayton of the Presidency of the Seventy presided at a groundbreaking to signify the beginning of construction.[6]Walch, Tad (May 4, 2015). “LDS Church announces Cedar City temple groundbreaking”. Deseret News. Retrieved May 4, 2015.[7]“Ground Is Broken for the Cedar City Utah Temple”. Newsroom. LDS Church. August 8, 2015.
He was joined by Elder Kent F. Richards of the Seventy and executive director of the Temple Department and Elder Dane Leavitt of the Seventy. During his comments, Elder Clayton said,
“we remember the founders of Cedar City 167 years ago and remember the broken picks and broken shovels. We stand on their shoulders. They endured much to prepare the area’s foundation for a city they would never see.”
Weather had been rainy and dark the day before the groundbreaking, but by the time Elder Clayton had finished the dedicatory prayer, the sun had broken through and beautiful weather prevailed.[8]Brian Passey, “LDS Church Breaks Ground for Cedar City Temple,” The Specturm, 8 August 2015.
Dane Leavitt spoke of the spiritual power and warmth in temples, and described building a temple as a ““reverent act of rebellion against evil.”[9]Brian Passey, “LDS Church Breaks Ground for Cedar City Temple,” The Specturm, 8 August 2015.
White flags marked each of the four corners of the planned temple, giving attandees a feel for the size of the temple foundation. After the traditional turningof shovel fulls by dignitaries and attendes, a backhoe on the site dug the first spotof ground inside the foundation.[10]Brian Passey, “LDS Church Breaks Ground for Cedar City Temple,” The Specturm, 8 August 2015.
Services were broadcast live to the 17 stake centers in the temple district, allowing Latter-day Saints across the region to participate in the historic event.[11]Carin Miller, “LDS church holds Cedar City Utah Temple groundbreaking,” St.GeorgeUtah.com, 7 August 2015
On May 10 the steeple assembly was raised into position.
Open House
A public open house was held from October 27 through November 18, 2017, excluding Sundays.[12] “Dedication Dates Announced for Tucson, Meridian and Cedar City Temples: Open house will begin in June for the Tucson Arizona Temple”, Newsroom, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, January 26, 2017
180,000 people toured the temple during the 20 day open house, an average of 9,000 people per day.[/ref]
Cultural Celebration
The Cultural Celebration, entitled “A Light on a Hill, Iron in our Will,” kicked off on Saturday, 9 December 2017. Nearly 3,600 youth ranging in age from 8-12 years old participated in a cultural celebration featuring music, visual storytelling and choreographed dancing at the America First Event Center (formerly known as the Centrum Arena) at Southern Utah University. The celebration was broadcast live to local stake centers. Seating inside the actual arena was limited to those participating in the program, church leadership, community leaders and other church leaders. A statement from the Church explained that the cultural events “celebrate the heritage and culture of the area while connecting the young and audience to the temple through dance and song.” According to The Spectrum.com, “Many of the performances will focus on the Native American people who first inhabited the area, the history of iron within the community, many of the challenges faced by early pioneer settlers, and the founding of Southern Utah University. Images of light, red rocks and iron will be featured heavily throughout the 90-minute event.”
The temple was dedicated on December 10, 2017 by Henry B. Eyring.[13]“Elegant Pioneer-Style Cedar City Utah Temple Is Dedicated”, Newsroom, LDS Church, December 10, 2017[14]Sterzer, Rachel (December 10, 2017). “President Henry B. Eyring dedicates Cedar City Utah Temple, the 17th in Utah”. Deseret News.
The temple was dedicated on Sunday, 10 December 2017, in three sessions at 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. A cornerstone ceremony took place outside the temple at 9 a.m. to commemorate the completion of the temple prior to the start of the first dedication session. President Eyring told those gathered for the cornerstone ceremony he wasn’t sure if Brigham Young foresaw a second temple in Southern Utah. He commented, “But I know that he’s looking down on us right now, and I think we owe something to him and to the pioneers who must be so aware of this day. We honor them as we now seal the cornerstone.”
The three-hour block of meetings were canceled for that Sunday for those congregations to enable members of the Church to participate and focus on this sacred event. Monitors were placed in each room in the temple for members to view the actual dedication occurring in the celestial room on the third floor. The dedication was also be broadcast to each stake center and outlying areas, including Sevier, Wayne, Washington and Kane counties.
The temple began regular operations on 12 December 2017.
Dedication Order
The announcement brought the total number of temples active or planned worldwide to 170. It is the 159th active temple in the world, the 17th temple to be constructed in Utah, and the 81st in the United States.
Temple President | Years Served |
President Daniel M. Jones | 2017– |
The 42,657 square foot edifice is located at 280 South Cove Drive in Cedar City on 8.51 acres of land on the north side of Leigh Hill.
A mixture of native plants and traditional ornamentals appropriate for the climate beautify the grounds were chosen for the grounds of the Cedar City Temple. Plants were chosen both to reflect the natural environment of southern Utah, and to require minimal maintenance. The landscape architect was Architectural Nexus, and the landscaping was installed by Intermountain Plantings of Bluffdale, Utah.[15]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
Fencing is of a premanufactured ornamental steel product by Ameristar of Tulsa, Oklahoma, with custom steel pilasters at gate locations. All are painted dark bronze.[16]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
Walkways are natural concrete with geometric, decorative control joints. Both entries feature a paver pattern using stone from Brown’s Canyon in Heber, Utah. Installation was by European Stone Company of Salt Lake City.[17]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
The exterior is primarily of precast concrete panels with sections of gypsum fiber reinforced concrete. Forterra of Salt Lake City, Utah, did the fabrication and installation.[18]”Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
Across the exterior of the temple the numerous windows feature art-glass designs of a columbine found in the high mountain valleys of southern Utah.[19]Bree Burkit, “Cedar City welcomes new Pioneer-style LDS Temple,” The Spectrum, 24 October 2017.
Architectural Nexus and Holdman Studios of Lehi, Utah, designed the
glass, which was fabricated by Glass Images of Orem, Utah.[20]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
There is one inscription on the Cedar City Temple. It is on the East Spire in the center of the temple above the entryway and Celestial Room Windows. The Letters of the Inscription are engraved into the pre-cast concrete, and are painted black.
The cornerstone of the Cedar City Temple is on the South East Corner facing east. The text is engraved into the precastconcrete, and unpainted.
Spires and Moroni
There is a single spire on the cedar city, caped by a cupola and a statue of the Angel Moroni. The Spire is 160 feet 6 inches, including the Statue.
Note: The official Church fact sheet[21]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017 on the temple lists the temple as being 260 feet 6 inches in height. This would make the temple taller than the Los Angeles temple, and roughly 26 stories high. While the plans probably do list the temple as being 260′ 6″ in height, it probably also lists ground level as being 100 feet, rather than zero. This is a common practice for plans of buildings that have basements, as it makes math for the below ground levels easier to figure quickly and accurately. The exact same practice was used for Plans of the Provo City Center Temple, showing the 150 foot tall center spire as being 250 feet.
The angel Moroni statue was set in place atop the tower of the Cedar City Utah Temple on September 15, 2016. The church does not make an announcement about the placing of the statue like they do for a groundbreaking or dedication. However word invariably gets out, and the statue was placed to a large crowd of onlookers. The Placement of the statueis akin to a capstone, and between the groundbreaking and thededication it is the most significantly recognizable mile marker. The statue as carved by Karl Quilter in 1985. It was positioned to face east.[22]Brian Passey, “Angel Moroni statue placed on Cedar City LDS Temple,” The Spectrum, 15 September 2016
The colors inside the temple are locally inspired, as well as drawing inspiration from through out souther Utah. Juniper berries, Columbine flowers and feathers in honor of the indigenous people are repeatedly found in intricate rugs, light fixtures and stained glass artwork above the rich African mahogany doors or in the welcoming room of the recommend desk. [23]Bree Burkit, “Cedar City welcomes new Pioneer-style LDS Temple,” The Spectrum, 24 October 2017.
Carpeting throughout the temple was manufactured by Bentley Prince Street of Industry, California, and designed by Architectural Nexus. Sealing and celestial rooms feature carpet carvings by Half Moon Studios in Salt Lake City, Utah. [24]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
The rug in the bride’s room was manufactured by Rugs International in Shanghai, China, from a custom traditional pattern with indigenous flora.[25]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
Stone and tiles from Israel, Turkey, Spain and Iran were provided by Dal-Tile in New York City, New York, using designs created by Architectural Nexus. They were installed by European Tile of Salt Lake City.[26]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
Red elements in the stone used throughout the temple are reflective of theredrocks just across the freeway fromt he temple. [27]Bree Burkit, “Cedar City welcomes new Pioneer-style LDS Temple,” The Spectrum, 24 October 2017.
Both the exterior and interior of the temple are reminiscent of many of the historic pioneer buildings found throughout this area of the state. The molding, mill work and lighting fixtures in the baptistery were guided by the pioneer temples in St. George and Manti in addition to the Beaver Court House.[28]Bree Burkit, “Cedar City welcomes new Pioneer-style LDS Temple,” The Spectrum, 24 October 2017.
Patterns on the millwork represent the flora of the area and are of the traditional Sheraton style. In the celestial and sealing rooms millwork is highlighted with gold leaf. The wood used in the inlay designs of the welcome desks in the entry lobbies is mahogany, larch, and sapele and makore from Africa. Architectural Nexus designed the millwork and decorative patterns.[29]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
There are also eight original pieces of art inside the temple depicting the local landscape and the ministry of Jesus Christ. Images of Cedar Breaks National Monument and Kolob Canyon are intermixed with more biblically-inspired works, including one original by Cedar City local Del Parson depicting Jesus’ encounter with an adulterous woman whom he saved from being stoned.[30]Bree Burkit, “Cedar City welcomes new Pioneer-style LDS Temple,” The Spectrum, 24 October 2017.
The temple’s original artwork includes:
- “Field of Choice” by Chris Manwaring, Utah;
- “Kolob Canyon Evening” and “Bryce Canyon” by David Meikle, Utah;
- “Kolob Canyon” by Linda Curley-Christensen, Idaho;
- “Circle of Cliffs” by Ken Stockton, California;
- “With Healing in His Wings” by Michael Malm, Utah;
- “The Kolobs” by Frank Magleby, Oregon;
- “Neither Do I Condemn Thee” by Del Parson, Utah.[31]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
Interior Windows
Inside the temple are two historic windows that were rescued from the Astoria Presbyterian Church in Queens, N.Y., when that building was razed in 2008. An art dealer preserved the windows. He sold them to an LDS art collector, who in turn donated at least 4 of them to the Church. All 4 have now been placed in Temples, 2 in the Cedar City Temple, one in the Provo City Center Temple, and one in the Star Valley Temple. In each temple the panels are set in ornate wood partitions constructed behind the recommend desk, with lighting behind the panels to allow the glass to be displayed in it’s full beauty.[32]Katherine Lyon and Alex Mortenson, “Why Cedar City and 2 Other LDS Temples Have Stained Glass Windows Rescued from a Presbyterian Church,” LDS Living, 23 October 2017
Holdman Studios of Lehi, Utah, performed their restoration.[33]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
The interior art glass, designed by Architectural Nexus and Holdman
Studios, is found in the second level chapel and transoms over some doorways and features designs mirroring local flora. Etched decorative
glass of traditional style is used in the baptistry area.[34]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
The general light and specialty fixtures were designed by Architectural
Nexus and manufactured by St. Louis Antique Lighting Company of St. Louis, Missouri. They feature faux alabaster acrylic and oil-rubbed bronze. Crystal light fixtures were manufactured by Swarovski of Plattsburgh, New York.[35]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
Font Railings
The top railing is a decorative sapele piece, designed by Architectural Nexus. The glass panels surrounding the font are etched in a traditional Sheraton style with corner panels featuring a floral pattern. Metals throughout are bronze or other bronze-finished metals.[36]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
Doors and Hardware
The traditional rail and stile door is of sapele, and the metal hardware is antique bronze, made by Historic Arts and Casting of West Jordan, Utah. Decorative patterns and millwork used are of the local flora and in traditional style.[37]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
Paint in varying degrees of lightness is used throughout the temple. The bride’s room features a wall covering made by Lee Jofa located in Dallas, Texas. The celestial and sealing rooms have a wall covering by Lincrusta. An embossed material with a heavy texture, it is painted in place.[38]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
Decorative paint using floral and traditional patterns and medallions and moldings were used in the sealing and celestial rooms. Crown moldings are found throughout the temple, growing larger and grander during the progression to the celestial room.[39]“Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017
Project Manager
Architect | Architectural Nexus |
Contractor | Zwick Construction |
Project Manager | Mark Berry |
Precast Exterior | Forterra |
Art Glass Design | Architectural Nexus, Holdman Studios |
Art Glass Fabrication | Glass Images |
Landscaping | Architectural Nexus |
Landscape Install | Intermountain Plantings |
Iron Fencing | Ameristar |
Stone Walkways | European Stone Company |
Interior Design | Architectural Nexus |
Carpet | Bently Prince Street |
Carpet Carving | Half Moon Studios |
Rugs | Rugs International |
Stone Supply | Dal-Tile |
Stone Install | European Tile |
Lighting Manufacture | St. Louis Antique Lighting Company |
Chandeliers | Swarovski |
Door Hardware | Historic Arts Casting |
Wall Covering | Lee Jofa, Lincrusta |
Sources and Links
External links
- LDS.org(official)
- MormonTemples.org (official)
- MormonNewsroom.org (official)
- LDSChurchTemples.com
- Wikipedia
- MormonWiki
Additional Articles
- A call to “sparkle” Cedar City
- Why Cedar City and 2 Other LDS Temples Have Stained Glass Windows Rescued from a Presbyterian Church
- Pioneer-style Cedar City Temple is Utah’s 17th and the 159th LDS temple worldwide
- “Closer to Heaven”: A Non-Mormon Shares His Insights Touring the Cedar City Utah Temple
- Cedar City temple youth cultural celebration — ‘A Light on a Hill, Iron in Our Will’
- A ‘Southern Utah boy through and through,’ Elder Holland returns home for Cedar City temple dedication
- President Henry B. Eyring dedicates Cedar City Utah Temple, the 17th in Utah
- Cedar City Utah Temple Dedicatory Prayer
↑1 | ”Cedar City Planning Commission Minutes,” Cedar City, Utah 4 Sept. 2012, 7 Apr. 2013 |
↑2 | Sam Penrod and Carole Mikita, “LDS General Conference draws to a close,” KSL.com 7 Apr. 2013, 7 Apr. 2013 . |
↑3 | Walker, Joseph (April 6, 2013). “LDS react with joy to temples announced in Cedar City, Rio”. Deseret News. Retrieved April 6, 2013. |
↑4 | “New Temples Announced for Cedar City, Utah and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil”, Newsroom, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 6, 2013 |
↑5, ↑8, ↑9, ↑10 | Brian Passey, “LDS Church Breaks Ground for Cedar City Temple,” The Specturm, 8 August 2015. |
↑6 | Walch, Tad (May 4, 2015). “LDS Church announces Cedar City temple groundbreaking”. Deseret News. Retrieved May 4, 2015. |
↑7 | “Ground Is Broken for the Cedar City Utah Temple”. Newsroom. LDS Church. August 8, 2015. |
↑11 | Carin Miller, “LDS church holds Cedar City Utah Temple groundbreaking,” St.GeorgeUtah.com, 7 August 2015 |
↑12 | “Dedication Dates Announced for Tucson, Meridian and Cedar City Temples: Open house will begin in June for the Tucson Arizona Temple”, Newsroom, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, January 26, 2017 |
↑13 | “Elegant Pioneer-Style Cedar City Utah Temple Is Dedicated”, Newsroom, LDS Church, December 10, 2017 |
↑14 | Sterzer, Rachel (December 10, 2017). “President Henry B. Eyring dedicates Cedar City Utah Temple, the 17th in Utah”. Deseret News. |
↑15, ↑16, ↑17, ↑20, ↑21, ↑24, ↑25, ↑26, ↑29, ↑31, ↑33, ↑34, ↑35, ↑36, ↑37, ↑38, ↑39 | “Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017 |
↑18 | ”Cedar City Utah Temple Fact Sheet,” Newsroom, LDS Church, 23 October 2017 |
↑19, ↑23, ↑27, ↑28, ↑30 | Bree Burkit, “Cedar City welcomes new Pioneer-style LDS Temple,” The Spectrum, 24 October 2017. |
↑22 | Brian Passey, “Angel Moroni statue placed on Cedar City LDS Temple,” The Spectrum, 15 September 2016 |
↑32 | Katherine Lyon and Alex Mortenson, “Why Cedar City and 2 Other LDS Temples Have Stained Glass Windows Rescued from a Presbyterian Church,” LDS Living, 23 October 2017 |