Detroit Michigan Temple
Video and Model Details
Originally built for Google Earth, this Detroit Michigan Temple model has been overhauled for YouTube. Since making it I have been notified that the temple and the grounds have changed considerably. This model depicts it as it was when I was there in 2011. Apparently the grounds have changed significantly, and the entry way, as with many small temples, has been enclosed. This is more important in the colder climates. I have no reference for the new grounds yet. But someday I will be updating this model.
Outdoor White Noise (Troy MI) – djouppi10
Modeled: 2.63
Render: Cycles
Whole Scene
- Vertices: 24,669
- Faces: 21,114
- Objects: 150
- File Size: 3.9
Temple Only
- Vertices:
- Faces:
- Objects:
- File Size:
These are fantastic. Thanks so much for doing these. The Detroit Temple grounds hace changed cosiderablky since your photos were take. There is a fence surrounding the hrounds, the portico has been enclosed and the front landscaping changed considerably. Are there any plans for an upodate? I also so that not all Temples are cpompleted – is this an ongong project.
Lastly, I am finding it difficult toi scroll around the main pages. I can scroll left and right via the instructions provided but not up and down. This makes it very difficult to navigatge without reducing the screen size to 40% which makes it diofficult to see the writing.
Again – thanks for doing this
I was last at Detroit Summer of 2011. My plans are to update when necessary, but most of those updates will need to wait until I am done with School, or at least, done with one model for every temple first. At this point, I have no reference images for Detroit outside of what I have already done. (Also, I always leave the fence off. It increases the time it takes the computer to make the video by 4 to 10 times. The plan Is to do at least one video per temple. I estimate the project will take 3 to 5 years.
I was not sure which page you were having an issue with, but I think it was the Infographic? In order to make the words clear to start with, the info graphic was made taller than most computer monitors, It is 1080 pixels tall. The best way to view the images is to download them and view them in your favorite photo viewer. The download link is below the graphic.
Thank you for your Feedback!
-Brian Olson