Elko Nevada Temple Wiki
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Quick Facts
4 April 2021
President Russell M. Nelson
7 May 2022
Elder Paul B. Pieper
person and title
Additional Facts
fact 1
fact 2
fact 3
Nevada borders California in the Western United States and is home to more than 184,000 Latter-day Saints and roughly 350 congregations. The first mission of the Church in Nevada was established in 1855; 30 men were called to establish it at the Meadows in southern Nevada. Although Nevada was part of Utah Territory until it became a state in 1864, it was not until 1942 that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints organized a stake based in Elko County. [1]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, “At April 2021 Conference, Prophet Announces 20 More Temples to Be Constructed,” 4 Apr. 2021.
Plans to construct the Elko Nevada Temple were announced by President Russell M. Nelson on 4 April 2021, at the 191st Annual General Conference.[2]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, “At April 2021 Conference, Prophet Announces 20 More Temples to Be Constructed,” 4 Apr. 2021.
The Smithfield Utah Temple will be the twenty-sixth temple built in Utah and the second built in Cache County, following the Logan Utah Temple (1884).
Utah Temples at Time of Announcement
- –
Under Construction
- –
- Las Vegas Nevada [1984]
- Reno Nevada [1999]
Date | 2021 04 04 |
By | Russell M. Nelson |
Role | President |
Via | General Conference |
⮜Preceded by Willamette Valley Oregon
Followed by Yorba Linda California⮞
Announced 2021 04 04
- Oslo Norway
- Brussels Belgium
- Vienna Austria
- Kumasi Ghana
- Beira Mozambique
- Cape Town South Africa
- Singapore Republic of Singapore
- Belo Horizonte Brazil
- Cali Colombia
- Querétaro México
- Torreón México
- Helena Montana
- Casper Wyoming
- Grand Junction Colorado
- Farmington, New Mexico
- Burley Idaho
- Willamette Valley Oregon
as Eugene Oregon - Elko Nevada
- Yorba Linda California
- Smithfield Utah
Location Announcement
On June 10, 2021, the site for the Elko Nevada Temple was announced as a 5.2-acre parcel adjacent to the southeast corner of Ruby View Golf Course. Plans call for a single-story temple of roughly 10,000 square feet.[3]”New Temple Site Locations Announced in Three Western US States,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 10 Jun. 2021.
Render Released
On September 17, 2021, the official exterior rendering was released for the Elko Nevada Temple.[4]“Renderings Released for Four Temples in the Western US.” newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org, 17 Sept. 2021, newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/renderings-released-for-four-temples-in-the-western-us.

Groundbreaking Announced
It was announced on 25 February 2022 that Elder Paul B. Pieper of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will preside at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Elko Nevada Temple Temple on Saturday, 27 August 2022.[5]“Groundbreaking Dates Set for Temples in Nevada and Colorado.” newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org, 25 Feb. 2022, newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/groundbreaking-dates-set-for-temples-in-nevada-and-colorado.
The groundbreaking of the Elko Nevada Temple was presided over by Elder Paul B. Pieper, North America Southwest Area president, on May 7, 2022. On a sunny spring day, the groundbreaking was the fifth such event for the Church in as many weekends.
In his remarks, Elder Pieper, who also offered the dedicatory prayer on the site, told the gathering, “This temple will be God’s house, … a bounteous mine of spiritual ‘gold’ that will truly enrich us, and we need not look anywhere else to find true and lasting peace, happiness and fulfillment in our lives, our families and our homes.”[6]Taylor, Scott. “Elko Nevada Temple Groundbreaking Is Church’s Fifth in as Many Weeks.” Church News, 11 Jan. 2024, www.thechurchnews.com/2022/5/8/23218033/elko-nevada-temple-groundbreaking-church-fifth-in-as-many-weeks.
Date | 2022 05 07 |
By | Paul B. Pieper |
Role | Seventy |
Attendees | # |
⮜Preceded by Farmington New Mexico
Followed by Burley Idaho⮞
A 5.2-acre parcel adjacent to Ruby Vista Drive has been chosen as the location for the temple.
Ruby Vista Drive
Elko, Nevada
United States
Latitude | # |
Longitude | # |
Feet | Meters |
5,133 | 1,565 |
Acres | Hectares |
5.2 | 2.1 |
Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 10,040 square feet
Area | 10,040 f2 (933 m2) |
Floors above grade | 1 |
Floors below Grade | 0 |
Baptistries | 1 |
Initiatories | 4 |
Endowment Rooms | 1 |
Sealing Rooms | 1 |
Sources and Citations
↑1, ↑2 | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, “At April 2021 Conference, Prophet Announces 20 More Temples to Be Constructed,” 4 Apr. 2021. |
↑3 | ”New Temple Site Locations Announced in Three Western US States,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 10 Jun. 2021. |
↑4 | “Renderings Released for Four Temples in the Western US.” newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org, 17 Sept. 2021, newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/renderings-released-for-four-temples-in-the-western-us. |
↑5 | “Groundbreaking Dates Set for Temples in Nevada and Colorado.” newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org, 25 Feb. 2022, newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/groundbreaking-dates-set-for-temples-in-nevada-and-colorado. |
↑6 | Taylor, Scott. “Elko Nevada Temple Groundbreaking Is Church’s Fifth in as Many Weeks.” Church News, 11 Jan. 2024, www.thechurchnews.com/2022/5/8/23218033/elko-nevada-temple-groundbreaking-church-fifth-in-as-many-weeks. |