Ephraim Utah Temple Wiki
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Quick Facts
1 May 2021
President Russell M. Nelson
27 August 2022
President Russell M. Nelson
person and title
Additional Facts
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fact 3
Heber Valley is a picturesque rural mountain valley located in Wasatch County, about 40 miles from Salt Lake City, near world-renowned ski resorts and state parks.
The story of the Ephraim Utah Temple actually begins in 2019 with the Manti Utah Temple.
In April of 2019 at the end of General Conference, President Russell M. Nelson announced that the pioneer era temples would all be renovated, starting with details being released later that week for the renovation of the Salt Lake Temple.[1]“April 2019 General Conference News and Announcements.” Newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org, 7 Apr. 2019.
Two years later, after renovations for Salt Lake and St. George Utah Temples had already begun, preliminary details for the coming renovation of the Manti Temple were released on 12 March 2021. As had already happened without public notice at the Salt Lake Temple, the historic Murals were to be removed, preserved, and later displayed in a public location. The Progressive nature of the instruction in the temple was to be removed, and new rooms constructed for stationary presentation of the endowment by video only.[2]“A First Presidency Update on Historic Temple Renovations.” Newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org, 24 Mar. 2021.
Almost immediately, a campaign for preservation rather than remodel of the Manti Temple began, with petitions being started on Facebook and other locations.[3]“Preserve the Manti Temple.” Facebook. Many sites and organizations took up the call, with the Church eventually opening a line for comments.
On May 1, 2021, a press conference was held at the Manti Tabernacle where a prerecorded message by President Russell M. Nelson was presented, announcing that modifications had been made to the renovation plans for the Manti Utah Temple. He announced a start date for the Construction, 1 October 2021, and indicated that it would now be a preservation, rather than a remodel. Live presentation of the Endowment would still be discontinued [4]”President Nelson Announces a New Temple Will Be Built in Ephraim, Utah,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 1 May. 2021.
Along with the announcement of the Preservation of the temple, President Nelson announced that a high-capacity temple would instead be built to accommodate upcoming needs in Ephraim Utah.[5]”President Nelson Announces a New Temple Will Be Built in Ephraim, Utah,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 1 May. 2021.
The Ephraim Utah Temple will be the twenty-seventh temple built in Utah and the second built in Sanpete County, following the Manti Utah Temple (1888).
Utah Temples at Time of Announcement
Under Construction
- St. George Utah [1877]
- Logan Utah [1884]
- Manti Utah [1888]
- Salt Lake [1893]
- Ogden Utah [1972]
- Provo Utah [1972]
- Jordan River Utah [1981]
- Bountiful Utah [1995]
- Mount Timpanogos Utah [1996]
- Monticello Utah [1998]
- Draper Utah [2009]
- Oquirrh Mountain Utah [2009]
- Brigham City Utah [2012]
- Payson Utah [2015]
- Provo City Center Utah [2016]
- Cedar City Utah [2018]
Date | 2021 05 01 |
By | Russell M. Nelson |
Role | President |
Via | Press Conference |
⮜Preceded by Smithfield Utah
Followed by Kaohsiung Taiwan⮞
Location Announcement
On October 22, 2021, the site for the Ephraim Utah Temple was announced as a 9.16-acre parcel located at the intersection of 200 North and 400 East in Ephraim.[6]”Site Location Announced for a New Utah Temple,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 22 Oct. 2021.
Render Released
On Friday 4 March 2022, the official exterior rendering was released for the Ephraim Utah Temple. The rendering was added to an earlier Newsroom report on the temple’s site location.[7]Taylor, Scott. “Ephraim Utah Temple Exterior Rendering Is Released.” Church News, 11 Jan. 2024, www.thechurchnews.com/2022/3/4/23265777/ephraim-utah-temple-rendering-first-look-released.

Groundbreaking Announced
On 10 May 2022 it was announced that Elder Walter F. Gonzalez of the Quorum of the Seventy will preside at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Ephraim Utah Temple on Saturday, August 27, 2022.[8]”Groundbreaking Dates Set for Temples in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Utah,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 10 May 2022.
President Russell M. Nelson, whose family helped settle the Sanpete Valley in 1849, presided at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Ephraim Utah Temple on Saturday, August 27, 2022. Explaining his connection to the area, he said: “My dear mother was born in Ephraim, not far from this very temple site. My father was born in Manti. Three of my four grandparents were born here in Ephraim. All eight of my great-grandparents lived in Ephraim.” In his site dedicatory prayer, he prayed, “We are deeply grateful for our ancestors. They have laid a foundation of faith that undergirds our spiritual strength. May we learn who they are, find their qualifying information, and bless their lives with sacred rites offered vicariously in this holy house.”[9]”President Nelson Presides at Ephraim Utah Temple Groundbreaking,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 27 Aug. 2022.
During his remarks at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Ephraim Utah Temple, President Russell M. Nelson remarked that shortly after the April 2021 general conference, he “received very clear instruction” from the Lord that the pioneer craftsmanship of the Manti Utah Temple, which had been scheduled for renovation, should be preserved and that a new temple should be built in Ephraim.
Date | 2022 08 27 |
By | Russell M. Nelson |
Role | President |
Attendees | # |
⮜Preceded by Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo
Followed by Heber Valley Utah⮞
The 30,000-square-foot temple will be constructed on a 17.63-acre parcel adjacent to an existing meetinghouse on Dale Road
200 North and 400 East
Ephraim, Utah
United States
Latitude | # |
Longitude | # |
Feet | Meters |
5,567 | 1,697 |
Acres | Hectares |
9.16 | 3.7 |
The two-story, 39,000-square-foot Ephraim Utah Temple will have four 30-seat endowment rooms, three sealing rooms, and one baptismal font.
Area | 39,000 f2 (1,697 m2) |
Floors above grade | 2 |
Floors below Grade | 0.25 |
Baptistries | 1* |
Initiatories | # |
Endowment Rooms | 4* |
Sealing Rooms | 3* |
Box Elder | 1 | Brigham City |
Cache | 2 | Logan · Smithfield |
Carbon | 1 | Price |
Davis | 3 | Bountiful · Layton · Syracuse |
Iron | 1 | Cedar City |
Salt Lake | 6 | Draper · Jordan River · Oquirrh Mountain · Salt Lake · Taylorsville · West Jordan |
San Juan | 1 | Monticello |
Sanpete | 2 | Ephraim · Manti |
Tooele | 1 | Deseret Peak |
Uintah | 1 | Vernal |
Utah | 8 | Lehi · Lindon · Mount Timpanogos · Orem · Payson · Provo Rock Canyon · Provo City Center · Saratoga Springs |
Wasatch | 1 | Heber Valley |
Washington | 2 | Red Cliffs · St. George |
Weber | 1 | Ogden |
Sources and Citations
↑1 | “April 2019 General Conference News and Announcements.” Newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org, 7 Apr. 2019. |
↑2 | “A First Presidency Update on Historic Temple Renovations.” Newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org, 24 Mar. 2021. |
↑3 | “Preserve the Manti Temple.” Facebook. |
↑4, ↑5 | ”President Nelson Announces a New Temple Will Be Built in Ephraim, Utah,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 1 May. 2021. |
↑6 | ”Site Location Announced for a New Utah Temple,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 22 Oct. 2021. |
↑7 | Taylor, Scott. “Ephraim Utah Temple Exterior Rendering Is Released.” Church News, 11 Jan. 2024, www.thechurchnews.com/2022/3/4/23265777/ephraim-utah-temple-rendering-first-look-released. |
↑8 | ”Groundbreaking Dates Set for Temples in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Utah,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 10 May 2022. |
↑9 | ”President Nelson Presides at Ephraim Utah Temple Groundbreaking,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 27 Aug. 2022. |