Fortaleza Brazil Temple
Video and Model Details
I have finished my first draft for my Fortaleza Brazil temple. It’s risky doing a temple model when the temple is still under construction. You never know what will change, or what you will guess wrong. But, since I discovered after rendering that I had trees floating in the air, I will have to re-do this video again eventually anyway.
2014 10 04 Fazenda Cana Verde morning birds 7 – reinsambaSalvador drumming – reinsamba
street ambience brazil – brenofurtado
Whole Scene
Vertices: 334,661
Faces: 300,714
Objects: 271
File Size: 225.6 MiB
Temple Only
Vertices: 39’284
Faces: 78,443
Objects: 8
File Size: 18.6 MiB