I have visited and photographed all the temples in the lower 48 United States!
I know, this is where I typically post my 3D work, but this relates, in that it explains why I have not been getting as much done lately as you might expect. It also relates in that I now have better source material for many of the temples. Also, my photography site is a mess, needs an overhaul worse than this site does, and doesn’t have a real blog component, so here it is.
I only had 3 more to go, so this summer, my family and I took a camping trip, staying overnight in a new campground or hotel, until we arrived in Florida, where we visited the Fort Lauderdale.

And the Orlando Temples.

Then we made our way north, got some photos of the remodeled Montreal Temple, and swung back down to visit the last temple I needed to reach my goal, Hartford Connecticut:

For the temples in the US, I have visited them all within the last 8 years. Including the ones outside the lower 48, I have visited them all within the last 11. When I started this project 20 years a go, there where half as many temples in the world as there are now in the United States.
For your entertainment, here is a chart of all the temples I have visited, listed by the date I was last there:
Good job! How many temples do you already know? I have a goal to visit (if possible) all temples… my count is 31 so far, including north and south america; and europe