Hamilton New Zealand Temple Wiki
Quick Facts
17 February 1955
President David O. McKay
21 December 1955
Ariel S. Ballif
20 April 1958
President David O. McKay
Additional Facts
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fact 2
fact 3
The Hamilton New Zealand Temple (formerly the New Zealand Temple) is the 13th constructed and 11th operating temple. It was the first temple built in the Southern Hemisphere and second built in Polynesia, following the Laie Hawaii Temple (1919). It is located just outside the city of Hamilton, New Zealand in the suburb of Temple View.
LDS history in New Zealand goes back to the 1850’s when the first Mormon missionaries arrived in the area. Missionaries found many who were ready to hear the gospel, but the first stake, in Auckland, was not organized until one hundred years after the arrival of the missionaries. Most of the first converts in New Zealand were of Maori or Polynesian descent. Since then, however, the Church in New Zealand has become culturally mixed with members in the area of Australian, British, European, Asian, and North American descent. The needs of all the members in New Zealand are met by having special branches in other languages as needed.
Temple Site
In 1954, general authorities approved the construction of a temple for an undetermined location in the South Pacific. President David O. McKay assigned Wendell B. Mendenhall, president of the San Joaquin Stake in California, to investigate possible temple sites. While in New Zealand, President Mendenhall investigated available property in Auckland where the mission was headquartered. “Then one day I felt I should go to Hamilton to visit the college,” he related. “While in the car on the way, the whole thing came to me in an instant. The temple should be there by the college. The Church facilities for construction were already there, and that was the center of the population of the mission. Then, in my mind, I could see the area even before I arrived, and I could envision the hill where the temple should stand. As soon as I arrived at the college and drove over the top of the hill, my whole vision was confirmed. In my heart I felt that the Lord had especially made this hill for his temple, everything, about it was so majestic and beautiful.”
Two weeks later, President McKay arrived during a two-month tour of the Pacific including Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, American Samoa, Tahiti, New Zealand, and Australia. President Mendenhall was accompanied by three other brethren to greet the prophet, so no mention of the temple site could be made. The five of them drove to the Church college and farm lands on the outskirts of Hamilton. After stepping out of the car, President McKay called President Mendenhall to one side. “What do you think?” the prophet asked, referring to the distinguished hill. “What do you think, President McKay?” came the reply. He pronounced in an almost prophetic tone: “This is the place to build the temple.”[1]N. B. Lundwall (1993). “Site for New Zealand Temple Selected and Acquired”. Temples of the Most High. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft. ISBN 0884948757. OCLC 29788408. Unauthorized reprint.
Upon President David O. McKay’s return to Church headquarters from his two-month tour of the Pacific, he recommended that the temple be constructed near the Church college in Hamilton, New Zealand, where the setting was ideal for a spiritual and educational center. That recommendation was approved by the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on Thursday, February 17, 1955, after which the decision was made public.
Date | 1955 02 17 |
By | David O. McKay |
Role | President |
Via | General Conference |
⮜Preceded by London England
Followed by Ogden Utah⮞
President Ariel S. Ballif, president of the New Zealand Mission, presided at the groundbreaking services for the Hamilton New Zealand Temple at 2:00 p.m. on December 21, 1955. The event was held on the majestic 170-foot high hill where the temple would be constructed, providing a beautiful view of the Church college. The groundbreaking also served to commemorate the construction of two new buildings on campus: the David O. McKay Auditorium Building and the Matthew Cowley Memorial Administration Building. Over 600 people were in attendance, representing all of the districts in the mission (as no stakes had yet been organized). In his site dedicatory prayer, President Ballif called down the blessings of the Lord on those workers who would be involved in erecting the temple and college buildings and that the structures would be constructed quickly and used for the development of the lives of the people there.[2]N. B. Lundwall, Temples of the Most High (Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book Company, 1941) 219–220.
Date | 1955 12 21 |
By | Ariel Ballif, Wendell B. Mendenhall, and George R. Biesinge |
Role | Apostle |
Attendees | # |
⮜Preceded by London England
Followed by Oakland California⮞
The temple and the school were built entirely by church labour missionaries who volunteered all of their time. Local members supported these workers with money, food, and lodging.The Church College of New Zealand was dedicated six days after the dedication of the adjoining Hamilton New Zealand Temple. The first stake in New Zealand was created the month after the dedication of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple in the city of Auckland, about 80 miles north of Hamilton.
Cultural Celebration
On April 18, 1955, President David O. McKay arrived in Hamilton where he, his wife, and accompanying authorities witnessed an animated performance in a large natural amphitheatre between the temple and the college. About eight thousand people witnessed the spectacle from the surrounding hillsides that featured a savage-looking individual in a beaded skirt and head ornament who threw a staff in front of the President McKay and a hatchet in front of Sister McKay. By picking up the items, they were assuring peace instead of war, which brought smiles to the fierce face. Elaborate performances by Maoris, Samoans, and Tongans followed. At the conclusion of the program, President McKay expressed his gratitude for the welcoming and interesting demonstrations.[3]Jeanette McKay Morrell, Highlights in the Life of President David O. McKay (Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book Company, 1966) 195.
Cornerstone Ceremony
Hugh B. Brown, then an Assistant to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, placed the ceremonial cornerstone of the temple on 22 December 1956.
Open House
Less than a year and a half after the cornerstone ceremony the temple was opened for public tours for 23 days prior to the dedication. During the time period of 28 March to 19 April of 1958 about 112,500 people toured the temple.
Start Date | 1958 03 28 |
End Date | 1958 04 19 |
Days | 23 |
Attendees | 112,500 |
Per day | 4,891 |
Six dedicatory sessions were held for the Hamilton New Zealand Temple—two each day from 20–22 April 1958. President David O. McKay spoke at each session and gave the dedicatory prayer. He prayed: “We dedicate the grounds upon which the Temple stands, and by which it is surrounded; the walks, ornamental beds, the trees, plants, flowers, and shrubbery that grow in the soil; may they bloom and blossom and become exceedingly beautiful and fragrant, and may Thy spirit dwell in the midst thereof that this plot of ground may be a place of rest and peace for holy meditation and inspired thought.”
The Church College of New Zealand was dedicated six days after the dedication of the adjoining Hamilton New Zealand Temple.
Date | 1958 04 20 |
By | David O. McKay |
Role | President |
Sessions | 6 |
Attendees | # |
⮜Preceeded by Los Angeles California
Followed by London England⮞
Construction Duration
Span | Duration |
Announced to Groundbreaking | 0 y, 10 m, 4 d |
Groundbreaking to Dedication | 2 y, 3 m, 30 d |
Announced to Dedication | 3 y, 2 m, 3 d |
Dedicatory Order
The Hamilton New Zealand Temple is the 13th constructed and 11th operating temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it was the first temple built in the Southern Hemisphere and second built in the Pacific, following the Laie Hawaii Temple [1919].
The Hamilton New Zealand Temple was dedicated about five months before the London England Temple, marking the first time that two dedications were held in the same year.
The first stake in New Zealand was created the month after the dedication of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple in the city of Auckland, about 80 miles north of Hamilton.
For a time, the Hamilton New Zealand Temple offered overnight endowment sessions from Friday through Saturday to accommodate the many members who came on the weekend.
1968 Remodel
A modification to the temple was completed in 1968. In this remodel, the porch surrounding the netryway was enclosed with glass walls and new doors. A new inscription was added above the new front doors.
1985 Renovation
The enclosure added around the entry doors in 1968 was removed, and the original entryway was resstored with some changes. Marble was added around the original doors, and, the inscription having been removed prevviously, a new inscription added above the doors, engraved in the marble.
1993 Renovation
The Hamilton New Zealand Temple closed in 1993 for two months to replace wall coverings and furnishings.
1994 Renovation
In 1994, the temple closed again for 9 months for a more extensive renovation that included installation of air conditioning and removal of asbestos.
2022 Renovation
On 19 January 2018, the LDS Church announced that in July 2018, the temple would close for renovations that are anticipated to be completed in 2021.[4]Jones, Morgan. “Hamilton New Zealand Temple to close in July 2018 for extensive renovations”, Deseret News, 19 January 2018. Retrieved 17 March 2020.
On July 23, 2018, the Hamilton New Zealand Temple closed for an extensive renovation project.
Date | 2018 01 19 |
By | First Presidency |
Role | – |
Via | Press Release |
The renovation included seismic strengthening, upgrades to electrical and mechanical systems, improvements to the floor plan, and replacement of all finishes and furnishings. Accompanying facilities were also upgraded including the parking lot, patron and missionary housing, and visitors’ center.[5]”New Zealand Temple Closes for Renovation,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 15 Aug. 2018.
Open House
A three-week open house was held prior to the rededication of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple from August 26 through September 17, 2022. More than 55,000 guests toured the interior including media and dignitaries. Martin Gallagher, a former Member of Parliament and Deputy Mayor, shared his memories of the Latter-day Saints who built the temple in the 1950s: “Their families, in many cases, have come on to make huge contributions to our society at large. Genuinely, even though I am not a member of the Latter-day Saints faith community, I absolutely honor them.”[6]Scott Taylor, “What they’re saying: 55,000 guests tour Hamilton New Zealand Temple during open house,” Church News 23 Sept. 2022.
Start Date | 2022 08 26 |
End Date | 2022 09 17 |
Days | 19 |
Attendees | 55,000 |
Per day | 2,894 |
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles presided over the rededication of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple in three sessions on Sunday 16 October 2022. He said of the occasion, “This is a day to remember, a rare and sacred spiritual day to write about and tell our families and posterity, a day of new beginning and celebration.” President Russell M. Nelson participated from Salt Lake City by broadcast. He said when a temple is dedicated, it strengthens the Saints, adds light to the world, and lessens the power of the adversary.[7]”Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf Rededicates Hamilton New Zealand Temple,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 17 Oct. 2022.
Date | 2022 10 16 |
By | Dieter F. Uchtdorf |
Role | Apostle |
Sessions | # |
Attendees | # |
Construction Duration
Span | Duration |
Announced to Groundbreaking | – y, – m, – d |
Groundbreaking to Dedication | – y, – m, -d |
Announced to Dedication | – y, – m, – d |
Temple President | Temple Matron | Years Served |
Lindsay Thomas Dil | Christine Mary Patrick Dil | 2023– |
Michael Alexander Roberts | Christine Anne Dil Roberts | 2016–2023 |
Sidney Milton Going | Colleen Shirley Ferguson Going | 2013–2016 |
James Dunlop | Frances Mary Gerrand Dunlop | 2010–2013 |
Paul Tekatene McAndrew | Margaret Rose Whaanga McAndrew | 2007–2010 |
James Anthony Morley | Tepua Piki O Maungaroa Morley | 2004–2007 |
William Campbell | Kathleen Smith Campbell | 2001–2004 |
Rulon Gerald Craven | Donna Lunt Craven | 1998–2001 |
Kenneth John Domney | Joyce Millicent Garnham Domney | 1995–1998 |
Douglas James Martin | Amelia Wati Crawford Martin | 1992–1995 |
John Sonnenberg | Joyce Clair Dalton Sonnenberg | 1990–1992 |
Milton W. Russon | Karlyn Felt Chatfield Russon | 1987–1990 |
Glen Larkin Rudd | Marva Sperry Rudd | 1984–1987 |
Hugh Alexander Daysh | June Jones Daysh | 1982–1984 |
William Roberts | Norma Roberts | 1978–1982 |
Alfred Ronald Ian Garry | Theo Rene Nancy Clark Garry | 1974–1978 |
Fred William Schwendiman | Lillian Austin Schwendiman | 1971–1974 |
Zachariah Evans Brown | Marion Foster Lyon Brown | 1968–1971 |
Heber Golden Jensen | Hattie Baker Jensen | 1964–1968 |
John Burns Hawkes | Laura McEntire Hawkes | 1961–1964 |
Erick Albert Rosenvall | Vernice Peck Gold Rosenvall | 1958–1961 |
The site of the temple is on 86 acres (350,000 m2), which includes the LDS-owned Church College of New Zealand, formerly a secondary school for students aged twelve to eighteen. Ninety-two percent of the students were Mormon and the school strove to teach secular as well as religious subjects. “On 29 June 2006, LDS Church leaders announced that the Church College of New Zealand would cease accepting new students in 2007 and would close at the end of the 2009 school year; in discussing its decision, the church cited a policy of the church to close its private secondary schools when the public school system is able to offer quality education.”
The existing steel and masonry fencing around the perimeter of the site was not changed during the renovation. The walkways and main entry plaza are finished concrete with concrete masonry pavers.
At Christmastime, the grounds are filled with a dazzling spectacle of lights and displays.
509 Tuhikaramea Rd
Temple View
Hamilton 3218
Latitude | # |
Longitude | # |
Feet | Meters |
131 | 40 |
Acres | Hectares |
35 | 14.2 |
The historic painted concrete masonry on the exterior of the temple remained unchanged in the renovation. The blocks were manufactured on site by the original construction crew, most of whom were labor missionaries who donated their time.
Historically, an acid-etched glazing was present on the exterior. This historic glass type was restored during the renovation.
Exterior Finish
Architectural Features
Feet | Meters | |
Height | 157 | 48 |
To Shoulder | # | # |
Width | # | # |
Length | # | # |
Footprint | # | # |
Spires and Moroni
The spire rises to a height of 157 feet (48 m).
When constructed The Hamilton New Zealand Temple was a sister building to the Bern Switzerland Temple and the London England Temple. All three featured one very large endowment room capable of holding 250 individuals, and 3 sealing rooms. Unlike the London and Bern temples, which were renovated and expanded in the early 1990’s, Hamilton still contains most of its original floorplan, at least up to the most recent renovation. It is 44,212 square feet, has 1 ordinance room, 3 sealing rooms, a Celestial room, baptistery, and 75 other rooms needed to carry out temple ordinances and temple work.
Area | 81,000 f2 (7,525 m2) |
Floors above grade | 2 |
Floors below Grade | 1 |
Baptistries | 1 |
Initiatories | # |
Endowment Rooms | 1 |
Sealing Rooms | 3 |
Floor | Contents |
Basement | Baptistry, offices, dressing rooms, dining rooms, kitchen, and laundry |
First (Ground) Floor | 24 rooms on the main floor including the chapel, waiting rooms, entries, foyers, and general offices |
Second Floor | ten rooms including the single instruction room, the Celestial Room, and four sealing rooms. |
Most of the carpet in the building is a simple loop pattern woven in nylon in a soft green color. It is manufactured by Bentley Mills in California. The carpets in the celestial room and sealing room are a nylon-cut pile broadloom in a soft cream color, also woven by Bentley Mills. The wool area rugs in the lobby and bride’s room were designed by NWL Architects in Salt Lake City. The stone used in the flooring throughout the building is a light yellowish cream limestone called Butter Silk that was quarried in Palestine.
The patterns were derived from local Maori patterns used in weavings, bone carvings, and wood carvings. The design was done by NWL Architects in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The historic murals in the baptistry and celestial room were restored during the renovation. The baptistry mural was painted by Paul Forster in 1957.
The lights in the temple are a combination of metal and opal glass or crystal done in a clean mid-century style. The fixtures were designed by NWL Architects in Salt Lake City and were supplied by Ciana Lighting of Heber City, Utah.
The millwork and casework is made of Victorian Oak with a slightly tinted stain. It was created and installed by Fernlea Cabinetry & Joinery in Hamilton.
The pattern for the door hardware is a stylized silver fern designed by NWL Architects in Salt Lake City and supplied by Sopersmac of New Zealand.
Most of the walls in the building feature a vinyl covering that will be durable and easy to maintain. Most are simple textures in creamy and gold colors. The walls in the instruction rooms have a stylized fern-like pattern reflective of local Maori patterns. The wall coverings are all standard products from mills in the United States.
The majority of the ceilings in the temple are painted gypsum board on steel framing. Most ceilings are flat or have minimal stepping, which reflects the historicity of the original temple. In more sacred areas of the temple, there is a decorative paint pattern or simple gold linework on the ceiling with plaster moldings around the perimeter.
The original font was restored during the renovation. The font and oxen were made in Switzerland using the same molds as the Swiss Temple. The railings are decorative bronze following the historic railing patterns found in the temple. The railings for the stairs leading to the font are bronze with beveled glass panels, while the railing into the font itself is stainless steel.
Baptistries: | 1 |
Location: | Center |
Exterior Windows: | No |
Artwork: | Yes |
Artwork Type: | Mural, 1 wall |
Oxen: | 12 |
Type: | 1/4 |
Hoof: | Visible |
Color: | Brass, Matte |
Layout: | 3 spread each at Compass |
Font Exterior: | Brass |
Interior: | Stainless Steel |
Shape: | Oval |
Bowl Shape: | Round |
Pillar: | Reeds |
Stairs: | Single, Center |
Font Well: | Exterior |
Instruction Room
The Hamilton New Zealand Temple was originally constructed with a single auditorium-style ordinance room equipped with motion-picture presentation of the endowment.
Rooms | 1 |
Type | Stationary |
Capacity | 250 |
Murals | No |
Total Muraled Rooms | 0 |
Mural Type | NA |
Celestial Room
The Hamilton New Zealand Temple features beautiful murals on the walls of its Celestial Room. (Only two other temples feature full Celestial Room murals: the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple and the Los Angeles California Temple. The corner pillars in the Logan Utah Temple Celestial Room portray a heavenly landscape, too.) The Celestial Room walls feature a historic mural that was not removed during the renovation. Dale Jolley painted the celestial room mural in 1993.
Sealing Room
Sealing Rooms | 3 |
Largest Capacity |
The London and Bern temples were renovated and expanded in the early 1990’s, but Hamilton still contained most of its original floorplan, at least up to the most recent renovation. It is 44,212 square feet, has 1 ordinance room, 3 sealing rooms, a Celestial room, baptistery, and 75 other rooms needed to carry out temple ordinances and temple work.
Area | 44,212 f2 (7,525 m2) |
Floors above grade | 2 |
Floors below Grade | 1 |
Baptistries | 1 |
Initiatories | # |
Endowment Rooms | 2 |
Sealing Rooms | 5 |
Floor | Contents |
Basement | Baptistry, offices, dressing rooms, dining rooms, kitchen, and laundry |
First (Ground) Floor | 24 rooms on the main floor including the chapel, waiting rooms, entries, foyers, and general offices |
Second Floor | ten rooms including the single instruction room, the Celestial Room, and four sealing rooms. |
Most of the carpet in the building is a simple loop pattern woven in nylon in a soft green color. It is manufactured by Bentley Mills in California. The carpets in the celestial room and sealing room are a nylon-cut pile broadloom in a soft cream color, also woven by Bentley Mills. The wool area rugs in the lobby and bride’s room were designed by NWL Architects in Salt Lake City. The stone used in the flooring throughout the building is a light yellowish cream limestone called Butter Silk that was quarried in Palestine.
The patterns were derived from local Maori patterns used in weavings, bone carvings, and wood carvings. The design was done by NWL Architects in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The historic murals in the baptistry and celestial room were restored during the renovation. The baptistry mural was painted by Paul Forster in 1957.
The lights in the temple are a combination of metal and opal glass or crystal done in a clean mid-century style. The fixtures were designed by NWL Architects in Salt Lake City and were supplied by Ciana Lighting of Heber City, Utah.
The millwork and casework is made of Victorian Oak with a slightly tinted stain. It was created and installed by Fernlea Cabinetry & Joinery in Hamilton.
The pattern for the door hardware is a stylized silver fern designed by NWL Architects in Salt Lake City and supplied by Sopersmac of New Zealand.
Most of the walls in the building feature a vinyl covering that will be durable and easy to maintain. Most are simple textures in creamy and gold colors. The walls in the instruction rooms have a stylized fern-like pattern reflective of local Maori patterns. The wall coverings are all standard products from mills in the United States.
The majority of the ceilings in the temple are painted gypsum board on steel framing. Most ceilings are flat or have minimal stepping, which reflects the historicity of the original temple. In more sacred areas of the temple, there is a decorative paint pattern or simple gold linework on the ceiling with plaster moldings around the perimeter.
The original font was restored during the renovation. The font and oxen were made in Switzerland using the same molds as the Swiss Temple. The railings are decorative bronze following the historic railing patterns found in the temple. The railings for the stairs leading to the font are bronze with beveled glass panels, while the railing into the font itself is stainless steel.
Baptistries: | 1 |
Location: | Center |
Exterior Windows: | No |
Artwork: | Yes |
Artwork Type: | Mural, 1 wall |
Oxen: | 12 |
Type: | 1/4 |
Hoof: | Visible |
Color: | Brass, Matte |
Layout: | 3 spread each at Compass |
Font Exterior: | Brass |
Interior: | Stainless Steel |
Shape: | Oval |
Bowl Shape: | Round |
Pillar: | Reeds |
Stairs: | Single, Center |
Font Well: | Exterior |
Instruction Room
The Hamilton New Zealand Temple was originally constructed with a single auditorium-style ordinance room equipped with motion-picture presentation of the endowment.
Rooms | 1 |
Type | Stationary |
Capacity | 250 |
Murals | No |
Total Muraled Rooms | 0 |
Mural Type | NA |
Celestial Room
The Hamilton New Zealand Temple features beautiful murals on the walls of its Celestial Room. (Only two other temples feature full Celestial Room murals: the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple and the Los Angeles California Temple. The corner pillars in the Logan Utah Temple Celestial Room portray a heavenly landscape, too.) The Celestial Room walls feature a historic mural that was not removed during the renovation. Dale Jolley painted the celestial room mural in 1993.
Sealing Room
Sealing Rooms | 3 |
Largest Capacity |
Edward O. Anderson was the Architect
Projects by Edward O. Anderson
Project | Years |
Idaho Falls Idaho | 1937-1945 |
Los Angeles California | 1937-1956 |
Bern Switzerland | 1952-1955 |
Mesa Arizona [renovation] | 1953-1955 |
London England | 1955-1958 |
Hamilton New Zealand | 1955-1958 |
St. George Utah [renovation] | 1956-1958 |
Salt Lake [renovation] | 1962-1966 |
Project Manager
Albert Rosenval, George R. Beisinger, and Wendall B. Mendenhall served as project managers.
General Contractor
This temple was the last one built by members, having been built by Labour Missionaries.
Other Projects Member Built
Project | Years |
Kirtland Ohio | 1833-1836 |
Nauvoo Temple | 1841-1846 |
St. George Utah | 1871-1877 |
Logan Utah | 1877-1884 |
Manti Utah | 1877-1888 |
Salt Lake Temple | 1953-1893 |
Laie Hawaii | 1916-1919 |
Cardston Alberta | 1913-1923 |
Mesa Arizona | 1921-1927 |
Hamilton New Zealand | 1955-1958 |
Naylor Wentworth Lund Architect was the architect for this project.
Projects by NWL Architects
Project Manager
[without additional version]
General Contractor
Westland Construction was the General Contractor for this renovation.
Other Projects by Westland Construction
Project | Years |
Monticello Utah (Renovation) | 2000-2002 |
Anchorage Alaska (Renovation) | 2002-2004 |
Apia Samoa (Renovation) | 2002-2003 |
Manti Utah (Renovation) | ? Before 2009 |
Seattle Washington (Renovation) | ? Before2009 |
Vernal Utah (Renovation) | ? Before 2009 |
Columbus Ohio (Renovation) | 2019-2023 |
Chicago Illinois (Renovation) | 2013-2015 |
Provo Utah (Renovation) | 2013-2014 |
St. George Utah (Renovation) | 2013-2014 |
Suva Fiji (Renovation) | 2014-2015 |
Port-au-Prince Haiti | 2015-2019 |
Jordan River Utah (Renovation | 2016-2018 |
Hamilton New Zealand (Renovation) | 2017-2022 |
Memphis Tennessee (Renovation) | 2017-2020 |
Oklahoma City Oklahoma (Renovation) | 2017-2019 |
Praia Cape Verde | 2018-2021 |
Columbus Ohio | 2019-2023 |
St. George Utah (Renovation) | 2019-2023 |
Neiafu Tonga | 2019- |
Orem Utah | 2019-2024 |
Pago Pago American Samoa | 2019- |
Provo Utah (Renovation) | 2021- |
Querétaro Mexico | 2022- |
Ephraim Utah | 2022- |
Freetown Sierra Leone | 2022- |
Provo Utah (Renovation) | 2022- |
Toronto Ontario (Renovation) | 2023- |
Sources and Links
↑1 | N. B. Lundwall (1993). “Site for New Zealand Temple Selected and Acquired”. Temples of the Most High. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft. ISBN 0884948757. OCLC 29788408. Unauthorized reprint. |
↑2 | N. B. Lundwall, Temples of the Most High (Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book Company, 1941) 219–220. |
↑3 | Jeanette McKay Morrell, Highlights in the Life of President David O. McKay (Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book Company, 1966) 195. |
↑4 | Jones, Morgan. “Hamilton New Zealand Temple to close in July 2018 for extensive renovations”, Deseret News, 19 January 2018. Retrieved 17 March 2020. |
↑5 | ”New Zealand Temple Closes for Renovation,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 15 Aug. 2018. |
↑6 | Scott Taylor, “What they’re saying: 55,000 guests tour Hamilton New Zealand Temple during open house,” Church News 23 Sept. 2022. |
↑7 | ”Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf Rededicates Hamilton New Zealand Temple,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 17 Oct. 2022. |