Appendix 1 | Data Sources

Appendix 1
Data Sources
Appendix 1: Date Sources
Temple | Date Source |
Aba Nigeria | Placement 2005 Placement: “Statue of Angel Moroni Placed on Temple.” Church News, 5 Feb. 2005. Replacement “Original Angel Returns to Temple.” News, 22 Mar. 2018. |
Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire | Placement Kondro Yao Theodore, “Installation of the angel Moroni atop the temple,” [image], 15 April 2021 |
Accra Ghana | Placement Thomas, Jenny St. Clair. Received by Marvin Quist, Response to CH81253 (Church History Library), December. 2017. Replacement/Failed Attempt Jethroandmic. “Our Mission to Africa.” July 2011, 1 Jan. 1970. Replaced “A New Angel for Ghana.” News, 2 Feb. 2018. |
Adelaide Australia | Placement Adelaide Australia Temple. “Adelaide Australia Temple construction history, 1999 March-2000 June,” Church History Library, CR 833 3; Adelaide Australia Temple. “Adelaide Australia Temple construction history, 1999 March-2000 June,” Church History Library, CR 833 2 |
Albuquerque New Mexico | Placement “Angel Moroni Statues Placed atop 2 Temples.” Church News, Deseret News, 26 June 1999 |
Anchorage Alaska | Placement “Crane Helps Angel Soar to Lofty Perch.” Deseret News, 28 Dec. 1998. |
Apia Samoa | Placement Harris, R. Carl. Building the Kingdom in Samoa, 1888-2005: History, Personal Narratives, and Images Portraying Latter-Day Saints’ Experiences in the Samoan Islands, R. Carl Harris, Harris Video Cases, Inc., Heber City, UT, 2006, p. 288. Fire/Undamaged Proctor, Maurine Jensen. “Samoa Temple Destroyed by Fire.”, Meridian Magazine, 11 July 2003. Removed Weaver, Sarah Jane. “Remains of Temple in Samoa Demolished.” Church News, 2 Aug. 2003,. Returned Carter, Michael, and Karla Carter. “Angel Moroni for Samoa Temple.” Carters in Samoa, Blogspot, 21 Jan. 2005. Cowan, Richard O. “A Trial by Fire: Religious Studies Center.” A Trial by Fire | Religious Studies Center. “Statue of Angel Moroni Placed on Temple.” Church News, 5 Feb. 2005,. Earthquake Matthew. “Adaptation.” Matt’s Samoa Blog, 20 Dec. 2009. Replacement Observer News, 11 February 2010. |
Arequipa Peru | Placement “Colocan Estatua Del Angel Moroni En Templo De Arequipa.”, 29 Nov. 2018. |
Asunción Paraguay | Placement Reynolds, Elise. Received by Marvin Quist. Response to CH83196. (Church History Library) MS21455 |
Atlanta Georgia | Announced Speed, Billie Cheney, “Mormon’s Pick Sandy springs for Temple, Atlant Journal-Constitution, 5 July 1980. Placement Speed, Billie Cheney, editor. “Mormons Add Statue to Temple.” The Atlanta Constitution, 14 Aug. 1982, p. 25.; “Atlanta Temple almost Finished,” The Daily Spectrum,Saint George Utah, 20 August 1982, p. 16..; “The Angel Moroni to Cap Atlanta Temple.” News, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Atlanta Georgia Regional Public Communications Committee, 1982.. Replacement Enfield, Mike, received by Marvin Quist, 11 March 2017. |
Barranquilla Colombia | Placement “Estatua Del Ángel Moroni Finalmente Instalada En Barranquilla.”, 18 Nov. 2017.; Photo,, 15 November 2017. “La Estatua Del Ángel Moroni Es Colocada En El Templo De Barranquilla.”, 15 Nov. 2017. |
Baton Rouge Louisiana | Placement “Latest News and Website Updates.” Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple Recent News, 28 Dec. 1999. “Spire with Gold Statue Set on New Temple.” The Daily Advertiser, 1 Jan. 2000, p. 11. Replacement Stancliffe, Kathleen, “Angel Moroni installed atop tower,” [image], 13 February 2019 |
Belém Brazil | Placement “Estátua Do Anjo Moroni É Instalada No Templo De Belém.” Noticias, 25 May 2021. |
Bern Switzerland | Placement Stahle, Shaun D. “Swiss Temple: Dedication a Bold Act of Faith.” Church News, 17 Sept. 2005. |
Billings Montana | Placement “Statue Placed atop Temple in Billings.” Church News, 21 Nov. 1998. Removed Satterfield, Rick, “Minor Renovation Underway at the Billings Montana Temple,”, 4 November 2021. |
Birmingham Alabama | Placement “Angel Moroni Placement,”, 30 March 2000 |
Bismarck North Dakota | Placement Kruckenberg, Janet. “Statue Tops Temple in North Dakota.” Church News, 19 June 199. Replaced Miller, Alan. “New Angel atop Bismarck Temple of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.” KFYR TV, 29 June 2020. |
Bogotá Colombia | Placement Carter, Clint. “Clint Carter’s Website.” Clint Carters Website. Replacement Peterson, Linda, and Mark Peterson. “New Angel Moroni for the Bogota Temple.” New Angel Moroni for the Bogota Temple, 9 Aug. 2011. |
Boise Idaho | Placement Thomas, Jenny St. Clair. Received by Marvin Quist. Response to CH8516. (Church History Library)27 October 2016. Replacement Thomas, Jenny St. Clair. Received by Marvin Quist. Response to CH8516. (Church History Library)27 October 2016. |
Boston Massachusetts | Placement “Moroni Statue Placed atop Trio of Temples.” Church News, 29 Sept. 2001. Replacement Tucker, Franklin B. “After Two Decades Of Wind and Weather, Boston Temple Replaces Its Angel.” The Belmontonian, 18 July 2019. |
Bountiful Utah | Placement “Gold-Leafed Statue Tops Temple in Bountiful.” Church News, 23 Oct. 1993. Replacement “Damaged Angel Moroni on Bountiful Utah Temple Is Replaced.” Church News and Events. 6 June 2016. Replacement Lambert, Katie. “Angel Moroni Statue Returns to Spire of Bountiful Utah Temple.” LDS Living, LDS Living, 25 Oct. 2017. |
Brigham City Utah | Placement Utah State University – ” Thousands Gather to Watch Angel Moroni ‘Fly’ atop New Brigham Temple.” Hard News Cafe RSS.; “Statue Placed on Temple.” Church News, 16 July 2011. Replacement Satterfield, Rick, “Angel Moroni Replaced on the Brigham City Utah Temple,”, 28 September 2021. |
Brisbane Australia | “Moroni Statue Graces Brisbane Temple.” Church News, 27 July 2002. |
Buenos Aires Argentina | Placement Physical Facilities Department (1972-1998, 2002-2011); Temples and Special Projects Division. “Temple photographs, circa 1960-1995,“ Church History Library, PH 7080 |
Calgary Alberta | Placement Jensen, Emily W. “Today in the Bloggernacle: Videos of Calgary Temple Angel Moroni Placement and Mobile Book Resources.” Deseret News, Deseret News, 18 Jan. 2012. |
Campinas Brazil | Placement “Angel Moroni Placed atop Campinas.” ALL the News about Mormons, Mormonism and the LDS Church, Mormons Today, 29 Jan. 2001. Replaced Patelli, Márcio Roberto. “Anjo Moroni É Substituído No Templo De Campinas.” Notícias SUD Brasil, 9 Feb. 2014. |
Caracas Venezuela | Placement “Estatua De Moroni:: Temple De Caracas – Venezuala.” Ocumare Estaca Del Tuy, 20 Mar. 2000, (dead link) |
Cebu City Philippines | Placement “Angel Statue Is Placed atop Philippines’ Second Temple.” Church News, 21 Nov. 2009. |
Cedar City Utah | Placement Passey, Brian. “Angel Moroni Statue Placed on Cedar City Lds Temple.” The Spectrum, The Spectrum, 16 Sept. 2016. |
Chicago Illinois | Placement Thomas, Jenny St. Clair. Received by Marvin Quist, Response to CH70204 (Church History Library), Mar. 2017. |
Ciudad Juárez México | Placement “The Mormons in El Paso Del Norte: History of the Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Juarez-El Paso Binational Community (1876-2000)”, Not Identified, Juarez?, 2000, p. 118. |
Cochabamba Bolivia | Placement 14 February 2000 Church Educational System (1970- ). “Church Educational System historia de la Iglesia en Bolivia, 2001 July,” Church History Library, CR 102 310 “Un Temple En Bolivia.” Bolivia LDS Missions – Cochabamba Temple. |
Colonia Juárez México | Delivered 3 October 1998 Romney, Virginia Hatch, and Richard O. Cowan. “Construction Commences.” The Colonia Juárez Temple: A Prophet’s Inspiration , 2009. Placement 22 December 1998 Romney, Virginia Hatch, and Richard O. Cowan. “Construction Commences.” The Colonia Juárez Temple: A Prophet’s Inspiration , 2009. |
Columbia River WA | Placement “Columbia River Washington Temple Progressing.” Mormon News, 27 July 2001. Replacement Brawdy, Bob. “Delivering an Angel in Richland.” Tr-City Herald, Tr-City Herald, 26AD. |
Columbia South Carolina | Placement Columbia South Carolina Temple. “Columbia South Carolina Temple historical committee dedication records, 1999,” Church History Library, CR 800 1 b2 f6 |
Columbus Ohio | Placement Hall, Bion W., “July 5, 1999 Construction Pictures of the Columbus Ohio Temple,”, 5 July 1999. Removed King, Danae. “Latter-Day Saints Renovating Columbus Temple.” The Columbus Dispatch, The Columbus Dispatch, 6 Dec. 2020. Replaced Knowles, Spencer ”Angel Moroni Installed,” [Image], 9 December 2021. |
Concepción Chile | Placement “Estatua Del Angel Moroni Se Coloca En Templo.”, 29 Mar. 2018. |
Copenhagen Denmark | Placement Toronto, Judith. “Denmark Temple Crowned WTIH Statue.” Church News, 23 Aug. 2003. |
Cordoba Argentina | Placement Eyring, Emily. “Angel Moroni Statues Placed atop 2 LDS Temples.” Deseret News, Deseret News, 18 Aug. 2014. |
Curitiba Brazil | |
Dallas Texas | Placement Thomas, Jenny St. Clair. Received by Marvin Quist, Response to CH76798 (Church History Library), Aug. 2017. |
Denver Colorado | Placement Enfield, Mike. Received by Marvin Quist, Feb. 2017. Remove/Spire Modified Bird, Twila. “Build unto My Holy Name: The Story of the Denver Temple. Denver Colorado Area,” Public Communications Council, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, English, 1987. |
Detroit Michigan | Placement Cady, Jeanne. “Angel Moroni Statue Tops Detroit Temple.” Church News, 17 July 1999. |
Draper Utah | Placement “Draper Utah Temple.” Church News, 26 July 2008. |
Durban South Africa | Placement Greg Higgs, “Angel Moroni Placed,” [Image] 25 October 2018; “The Angel Moroni Statue Is Placed atop the Durban South Africa Temple.” News, 29 Oct. 2018. |
Edmonton Alberta | Placement “Golden Statues of Angel Set atop Temples in Edmonton, Raleigh.” Church News, 11 Sept. 1999,. Replacement RFM, “They Put a New Angel Moroni on Top of Edmonton Temple this Week,”, 10, October 2021. |
Feather River California | Placement Feather River Temple News & Events, “Angel Moroni is installed atop the temple,” [Image],, 9 February 2022. |
Fort Collins Colorado | Placement Staff. “Angel Moroni Placed on Mormon Temple.” The Coloradoan, The Coloradoan, 26 Aug. 2015. |
Fort Lauderdale Florida | Placement “Fort Lauderdale Florida Temple Facts.” Church News, 8 May 2014. |
Fortaleza Brazil | Placement Felipe Barroso, “Angel Moroni Placed Atop Temple,” [Image], 27 June 2018. |
Frankfurt Germany | Placement Thomas, Jenny St. Clair. Received by Brian Olson, Response to Request for Information (Church History Library), Aug. 2017. |
Freiberg Germany | Placement Freedman, Eugene, and Claire Freedman. “Angel Statue Added to Freiberg Temple.” Church News, 10 Jan. 2002. |
Fresno California | Placement Berryhill, Anne. Received by Marvin Quist, Response to CH69788 (Church History Library), Mar. 2017. |
Fukuoka Japan | Placement Pictures of Fukuoka Japan Temple Site, 11 Apr. 2000,. Photo from 7 November 1999 States it was taken the day before the statue was placed. |
Gila Valley Arizona, The | Placement “Angel Placed atop LDS Temple.” Edited by Jon Johnson, Eastern Arizona Courier, Eastern Arizona Courier, 27 Sept. 2009. |
Gilbert Arizona | Placement Reese, Michelle. “Gilbert LDS Temple Construction Hits Benchmark with Placement of Moroni Statue.” East Valley Tribune, 18 May 2012. |
Guadalajara México | Placement Thorpe, Tyson, Received by Marvin Quist, Response to CH71693 (Church History Library), Mar. 2017. |
Guatemala City Guat | Placement Unable to locate any information about the Angel Moroni. |
Guayaquil Ecuador | Placement Guayaquil Ecuador Temple. “Guayaquil Ecuador Temple history,” Church History Library, CR 799 1 |
Halifax Nova Scotia | Placement Gray, Wally, and Francis Fray. “Sharing Our Links to the Past.” WallyGray25, GeoCities. Krochak, Tim. “Angels on High.” The Halifax Herald Limited, 4 Nov. 1999. |
Hartford Connecticut | Placement “Angel Moroni Tops the Hartford Connecticut Temple.”, 12 Dec. 2015. Otero, Jordan. “Mormon Temple in Farmington Marks Milestone, Raises Angel Moroni Statue.”, Hartford Courant, 2 Nov. 2019. Otero, Jordan. “Mormon Temple in Farmington Marks Milestone, Raises Angel Moroni Statue.”, Hartford Courant, 2 Nov. 2019. |
Helsinki Finland | Placement “Helsingin Temppeli.” Myöhempien Aikojen Pyhien Jeesuksen Kristuksen Kirkko – Virallinen Sivusto, 5 Sept. 2006. |
Hermosillo Sonora Mx | Placement Hermosillo Sonora Mexico Temple. “Hermosillo Sonora Mexico Temple history, 1998-2011,” Church History Library, CR 853 3. Photos dated 5 October 1999 show the temple without the Angel. Photos with angel on temple, but without the Scaffolding around the spire are dated 20 Nov 1999. |
Hong Kong China | Placement Hart, John L. “Rising Temple Spires Show Progress at Sites.” Church News, 30 Dec. 1995,. Replaced heyjude888. “A New Angel Moroni.” A New Angel Moroni, 1 Jan. 1970. Removed Based upon Google Earth historic imagery, the statue was removed sometime between 1 September and 27 November 2019 |
Houston Texas | Placement “Angel Moroni Statues Placed atop 2 Temples.” Church News, Deseret News, 26 June 1999. |
Idaho Falls Idaho | Placement “Whirlybird Gives Angel Moroni a lift,” Deseret News, 6 September 1983, p. D-5. Removed Eaton, Nate. “Moroni Statue Removed from Idaho Falls LDS Temple.” East Idaho News, 12 Apr. 2017. Reinstalled Farmer, Bailey. “Idaho Falls LDS Temple Reinstalls Angel Moroni Statue.” KID Newsradio, 12 Apr. 2017. [Gallery] |
Indianapolis Indiana | Placement “Indianapolis Indiana Temple Topped with Angel Moroni Statue.” Church Newsroom – Official Newsroom of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 17 Oct. 2014. |
Johannesburg S Africa | Placement Reguild “Moroni Receives New Plating atop the Johannesburg Temple.” News, 23 Aug. 2017. |
Jordan River Utah | Placement “Sneak Preview of the Statue.” Deseret News, 15 Aug. 1981, p. 9. |
Kansas City Missouri | Placement Borgedalen, Angie Anaya. “Angel Moroni Takes Post atop Temple .” Liberty Tribune, 30 Mar. 2011, Accessed 28 Jan. 2022 (dead link). |
Kona Hawaii | Placement “Angel Moroni atop New Temple.” Hawaii Tribune-Herald, 8 Oct. 1999, p. 6. |
Kyiv Ukraine | Placement Van Dyke, Sandra. “Angel Moroni Statue Placed atop the Kyiv Ukraine Temple in Eastern Europe.” Church News, 21 Sept. 2009. |
Las Vegas Nevada | Placement Las Vegas Nevada Temple. “Las Vegas Nevada Temple history, 1984-2012,” Church History Library CR 634 5 Seastrand, Rosel, “Outpourings of the Spirit,” Church History Library CR 634 1 |
Layton Utah | Placement |
Lima Peru | Placement Physical Facilities Department (1972-1998, 2002-2011); Temples and Special Projects Division. “Temple photographs, circa 1960-1995,“ Church History Library, PH 7080. There are 4 photos. One is dated 10 Dec, but is prior to the statue being placed, with the statue still at ground level. The other photos, dated 11 Dec, show the statue being placed. |
Lisbon Portugal | “Placement Estátua Do Anjo Moróni Colocada No Topo Do Templo De Lisboa.” Noticias, 19 Nov. 2018.; “Angel Moroni Placed on Top of the Lisbon Portugal Temple.” News, 22 Nov. 2018. |
London England | Placement Prescott, Marianne Holman. “Why the Angel Moroni Statue Stopped Traffic and Other Interesting Facts about the London Temple on Its 60th Anniversary.” Church News, 7 Sept. 2018. |
Los Angeles California | Arrival “Statue of Angel Hoisted Atop Los Angeles Temple,” Church News, 15 March 1958 Gilding Church News, October 16, 1954, p. Cover Lundstrom, Joseph, “Angel Moroni Statue Lifted To Top of L.A. Temple Steeple,” Church News, October 23, 1954. P. 4 Placement “Angel Moroni Statue Lifted To Top of L. A. Temple steeple,” Church News, 23 October 1954, p. 4. “Statue Hoisted Atop New Temple,” The Los Angeles Times, 20 October 1954,p.37. “Lift Angel Moroni Statue Atop New Mormon Temple,” The Valley Times (North Hollywood California,) 20 October 1954, p. 2 Regilding Jennings, Bruce, “Maple Leaf Industries completes gold-leafing Los Angeles Temple,” The Manti Messenger, 4 March 1982, p. 3. |
Louisville Kentucky | Placement Thomas, Jenny St. Clair. Received by Marvin Quist, Response to CH70362 (Church History Library), Mar. 2017. |
Lubbock Texas | Placement Pearce, Kent, “Lubbock Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.” |
Madrid Spain | Placement Shallenberger, Steven. “Mardid Temple Update [sic].” The Spain Madrid Mission , 14 Sept. 1998. |
Manaus Brazil | Placement “Templo De Manaus – Fotos Da Estátua Do Anjo Moroni: Murilovisck – Notícias Sud/Mormons.” MURILOVISCK. |
Manhattan New York | Placement Dockstader, Julie. “Angel Moroni Statue atop Temple.” Church News, 16 Oct. 2004. “Angel Moroni Statue Placed on Manhattan Temple.”, 12 Oct. 2004. |
Manila Philippines | Placement Reynolds, Elise. Received by Brian Olson, Response to CH77563 (Church History Library), Aug. 2017. |
Medford Oregon | Placement “User Contributions.”, 29 Nov. 1999. Replacement Hope in Him Grants Pass Facebook Page, “Angel Moroni Replaced,” [Image], 18 October 2021. |
Melbourne Australia | Placement Melbourne Australia Temple. “Melbourne Australia Temple construction history, 1999 May-2000 June,” Church History Library, CR 839 3. Replacement “LDS Melbourne Temple Receives New Statue.” News, 3 May 2018. |
Memphis Tennessee | Placement Thomas, Jenny St. Clair. Received by Marvin Quist, Response to CH70362 (Church History Library), Mar. 2017. |
Mérida México | Placement Chile Missionary Training Center. “Registro Historico Centro de Capacitacion Misional De Chile, 2011; 2014-2015,” Church History Library, CR 683 2 f.3. |
Meridian Idaho | Placement Green, Kyle. “Angel Moroni Placed atop New Meridian Lds Temple | Idaho …” Idaho Statesman. “Angel Moroni Statue Tops Mormon Meridian Idaho Temple.”, 20 July 2016,. |
México City México | Placement Burrup, Jay G., Received by Marvin Quist, Response to CH74154 (Church History Library), Mar. 2017. MX-01-00173 |
Monterrey México | Placement Thorpe, Tyson, Received by Marvin Quist, Response to CH71693 (Church History Library), Julyr. 2017. |
Montevideo Uruguay | Placement “El Templo De Montevideo – Uruguay .” Noticias Locales De Sudamerica Sur Noviembre 2000,. |
Monticello Utah | Placement Boyle, Bill. “Statue of Angel Moroni Placed on Top of Temple.” Church News, 23 May 1998. Replacement “Angel Moroni Statue Replaced on LDS Temple.” San Juan Record, 28 Mar. 2020. |
Montréal Québec | Placement Montreal Quebec Temple. “Temple de Montréal, Québec historique, circa 2015,” Church History Library, CR 839 3.; Physical Facilities Department (1972-1998, 2002-2011); Project Construction Division (2005-2011). “Temple construction photographs, 1980-2003,” Church History Library, PH 7917 |
Mount Timpanogos Utah | Placement “20,000 See Statue Lifted atop Mount Timpanogos Temple.” Church News, 22 July 1995. Replacement “Personal Account,” Brian Olson, September 2002. Allred, Cathy, “Mt. Timpanogos Temple undergoes warranty repairs,” American Fork Citizen, 25 July 2002. |
Nashville Tennessee | Placement Chavez, Kathrin. “Temple’s Journey Almost Complete.” The Tennessean, 8 Feb. 2000, p. 9. |
Nauvoo Illinois | Placement “Moroni Statue Placed atop Trio of Temples.” Church News, 29 Sept. 2001. Replacement “New Moroni Nauvoo Temple.” The Daily Universe, 20 Sept. 2021, |
Newport Beach California | Placement “Statue Placed atop Newport Beach Temple.” Church News, 29 Jan. 2005. |
Nuku’alofa Tonga | Placement Thomas, Jenny St. Clair. Received by Brian Olson,, Response to CH77397 (Church History Library), Aug. 2017. Replacement “Church Replaces Angel Moroni Statue on Tonga Temple.” News, 25 Sept. 2014. |
Oaxaca México | Placement Oaxaca Mexico Temple. “Oaxaca Mexico Temple history, 2000,” Church History Library, CR 790 3. |
Ogden Utah | Announcement “Ogden Utah Temple to Receive Improvements, Moroni Statue.” Church News, 14 Sept. 2002. Placement Barry, Tanna and Francis, JaNae. “Angel added to Ogden temple.” Standard Examiner 20 November 2002. Removed Francis, JaNae. “Angel Moroni on Vacation from Ogden Temple?” Angel Moroni on Vacation from Ogden Temple? – Standard-Examiner, 8 Aug. 2011. Replacement “Angel Moroni Statue Placed on Ogden Temple.”, 7 May 2013. |
Oklahoma City OK | Placement Reports, Staff. “Angel Heralds Landmark.”, Oklahoman, 11 Mar. 2000. Replacement 10 September 2018 Ingram, Steve “Angel Moroni Placed Atop Temple.”[image], 10 September 2018. |
Oquirrh Mountain Utah | Placement “Angel Moroni Placed on Oquirrh Mountain Temple.”,, 11 July 2008. Replacement Prescott, Marianne Holman. “Statue Replaced on Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple.” Church News, 15 Aug. 2009. |
Orlando Florida | Placement “About the Cover.” Church News, 12 June 1993. “Excitement Grows as Temples Rise.” Church News, 12 June 1993. |
Palmyra New York | Placement “An Exciting Milestone.” Church News, 20 Feb. 1999. |
Panamá City Panamá | Placement |
Papeete Tahiti | Placement Thomas, Jenny St. Clair. Received by Brian Olson, Response to CH77415 (Church History Library), Aug. 2017. |
Payson Utah | Placement Pugmire, Genelle, and James Roh. “Angel Moroni Tops Spire at Payson Temple.” Daily Herald, 11 Oct. 2013. |
Perth Australia | Placement Mattys, Mike. “Perth Australia Temple Moroni Statue Placed.” Mormon News for We 24sep00, 21 Sept. 2000. |
Philadelphia Pennsylvania | Placement McCrone, Brian X. “Golden Statue of Angel Moroni Placed atop Philly Mormon Temple, Marking ‘Significant Milestone’.” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 16 Jan. 2016. |
Phoenix Arizona | Placement Markland, Cecily, “Phoenix Temple Construction Reaches Milestone with Placement of Angel Moroni Statue,” The Arizona Beehive, 1 July 2013, |
Pocatello Idaho | Placement Satterfield, Rick, “Crew Makes Final Adjustments to Moroni,” [Image], 10 March 2021.; Sams, Cole, and J Weld says: “Angel Moroni Placed on Pocatello Temple.” Local News 8, 30 Nov. -1. Rappleye, Christine. “Angel Moroni Now atop Pocatello Idaho Temple.” Church News, 12 Mar. 2021. |
Portland Oregon | Placement “‘Now It Looks like a Temple.’” Church News, 21 May 1988. |
Porto Alegre Brazil | Placement Porto Alegre Brazil Temple. “Porto Alegre Brazil Temple history, 2001,” Church History Library, CR 862 2. |
Preston England | Placement Reynolds, Elise. Recived by Brian Olson. Response to CH83637, Richards, H. Bryan, “Mission Papers,” Church History Library, MS20156, 10 June 1997 Replacement Calderbank, Matthew. “Giant Cherry Picker Replaces Chorley Mormon Temple Statue Damaged in Lightning Strike.” Lancashire Evening Post, Lancashire Evening Post, 11 Oct. 2021. Teal, John. “Moroni.” Hastening the Work, 9 Oct. 2021. |
Provo City Center Utah | Placement Prescott, Marianne Holman. “Angel Moroni Statue Placed atop the Provo City Center Temple.” Church News, 3 Apr. 2014. |
Provo Utah | Placement “Statue Finds Home atop Provo Utah Temple.” Church News, 17 May 2003. |
Puebla Mexico | Placement |
Quetzaltenango Guat | Placement Satterfield, Rick. “Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple.” Quetzaltenango Guatemala LDS (Mormon) Temple. |
Quito Ecuador | Placement “Se Coloca La Estatua Del Ángel Moroni En El Templo De Quito, Ecuador.”, 9 Dec. 2020. |
Raleigh North Carolina | Placement “Golden Statues of Angel Set atop Temples in Edmonton, Raleigh.” Church News, 11 Sept. 1999. Replacement “Angel Moroni Statue Replaced on Raleigh Temple.” LDS Goldsboro Stake News, 22 May 2014. |
Recife Brazil | Placement Recife Brazil Temple. “Recife Brazil Temple history, 2000,” Church History Library, CR 847 1. |
Red Cliffs Utah | Placement Goblincamper2004, director. The Red Cliffs Utah Temple Gets It’s Own Angel Moroni on Top. YouTube, YouTube, 24 May 2022. Accessed 25 May 2022. |
Redlands California | Placement Carlson, Cray. “Redlands Temple Receives Statue of Angel Moroni.” Church News, 22 Mar. 2003. |
Regina Saskatchewan | Placement Wenson, Kenneth and Harker, Brook “The Hand of the Lord: A History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Saskatchewan,” Church History Library, CR 838 2. The angel was placed at 5:00. The first viewing of the open house video (for pre-public tour) was at 3:30 that same day. Thomas, G. “Placement of Angel Moroni,”, 3 Nov. 1999. |
Reno Nevada | Placement Reno Nevada Temple. “Reno Nevada Temple construction history, 1999 July-2000 April,” Church History Library, CR 817 2. The angel arrived on site on 28 Dec 1999 |
Rexburg Idaho | Placement “Moroni Statue on Temple.” Church News, 30 Sept. 2006. |
Richmond Virginia | Placement Wayne Leake, “Installation of the Angel Moroni,” [Image], 13 April 2021 |
Rio de Janeiro Brazil | Placement Templo do Rio de Janeiro Facebook Page, “Angel Moroni Installed Atop Spire,” [Image], 22 February 2019; Redação. “Novas Fotos Da Construção Do Templo Do Rio De Janeiro.” Portal Exaltação, 1 July 2019. |
Rome Italy | Placement “Angel Moroni Statue Tops Rome Temple.”, 25 Mar. 2017. |
Sacramento California | Placement West, Lisa. “Angel Statue Tops Temple.” Church News, 25 Mar. 2006. |
Salt Lake | Placement “Temple Capstone Laid 100 Years Ago.” Church News, 4 Apr. 1992. Damaged Parshall, Ardis E. “The Day the Angel Moroni Almost Lost His Horn,” 23 Aug. 2009. Repaired “Gentiles in Mormon Shrine,” The Rock Island Argus, 9 September 1910, p.33 Regilded “Golden Facelift,” The Times-News, Twin Falls, Idaho, 20 July 1985, p 7. “Salt Lake’s Angel to Get New Coat,” The Los Angeles Times, 20 July 1985, p. 59. Regilded “Angel Moroni,” The Billings Gazette, 20 June 1992, p. 4. Damaged Toone, Trent. “Utah Earthquake Causes Angel Moroni on Salt Lake Temple to Lose His Trumpet.” Deseret News, Deseret News, 18 Mar. 2020. Removal Gardiner, Jennifer. “Angel Moroni Statue Removed from Salt Lake Temple.” ABC4 Utah, ABC4 Utah, 19 May 2020, |
Salta Argentina | Placement |
San Antonio Texas | Placement “San Antonio Texas.” Mormon Temples, 2008. |
San Diego California | Placement “Angel Placed Atop new Mormon Temple.” North County Times, 28 Dec. 1991, p. 18. Lightning/Regild “Angel Moroni Gets Some New Gold.” San Diego Seagull, March 1993, p 6. Regild Frazier, Jenna“Mormon Temple to shine like new,”, 7 July 2010. |
San José Costa Rica | Placement San José Costa Rica Temple. “San José Costa Rica Temple. history, 2000,” Church History Library, CR 830 1. |
San Salvador El Sal | Placement DarkSesquiterpen, director. Templo Mormón-SUD-LDS, San Salvador, El Salvador–Colocación Estatua De Moroni–. YouTube, YouTube, 27 Dec. 2010. Accessed 1 Feb. 2022. |
Santiago Chile | Placement A., Rodolfo Acevedo. Alturas Sagradas: Templo De Santiago De Chile. Impresso En Los Talleres De Graphica Sur, 2006, p 63. Earthquake (1980s) Davy Crockett Running, Earthquake (2010s) B., Geoff. “Letter from Santiago, Chile Temple President.” The Millennial Star, 1 Mar. 2010. |
Santo Domingo D.R. | Placement “Statue Placed atop Caribbean Temple.” Church News, 18 Sept. 1999. |
São Paulo Brazil | Placement Fernando Assis, “Sao Paulo temple ready for re-dedication,” Church News 31 Jan. 2004: 3. Satterfield, Rick. “São Paulo Brazil Temple.” LDS Temples – Mormon Temples. |
Sapporo Japan | Placement “Angel Moroni Placed on Sapporo Japan Temple (Photos + Video).” LDS Living, LDS Living, 29 May 2015. |
Saratoga Springs Utah | Placement Tate, Aaron, “Installation of Angel Moroni,”[Image], 20 August 2021 |
Seattle Washington | Placement Hansen, Lynne Hollestien. “Much Publicity given Seattle Temple Events.” The Church News, 3 Nov. 1979, p. 12. |
Seoul Korea | Placement Physical Facilities Department (1972-1998, 2002-2011); Temples and Special Projects Division. “Temple photographs, circa 1960-1995,“ Church History Library, PH 7080. Photos of statue are undated, but most of the photographs in set are dated August 1985, and these come right after |
Snowflake Arizona | Placement Replaced/Rotated Quist, Marvin, and Temple Recorder. 9 November 2017. |
Spokane Washington | Delivered April 1999 Dockstader, Julie. “Amid Rays of Sunshine, 59th Temple Dedicated.” Church News, 28 Aug. 1999. Placement “Construction Site.”, 21 Apr. 1999. |
St. Louis Missouri | Placement Physical Facilities Department (1972-1998, 2002-2011); Project Construction Division (2005-2011). “Temple construction photographs, 1980-2003,” Church History Library, PH 7917. There are photographs where it looks like they are getting ready to place the angel dated 18 Mar 1996. However, there are only 1 or two with the angel actually in position to raise, and one of these images is labeled “Repair tent”. While no further documentation is available, possible that there was an attempt to raise it in March but issues were found that needed to be fixed before placing causing it to be postponed. Photos dated 9 May 1996 clearly document the placement of the statue. |
St. Paul Minnesota | Placement Mathias, Tom. “Moroni!” Construction as of September 21, 1999. |
Star Valley Wyoming | Placement “Construction Milestone Reached for Star Valley Wyoming Temple.”, 25 Apr. 2016. |
Stockholm Sweden | Placement Perry, Brett. “Placing the Spire on the Temple.” Swedish Mission. |
Suva Fiji | Placement Berrryhill, Anne. Received by Brian Olson, Response to CH82686 (Church History Library), Jan. 2019. M282.1 S967g 2000 |
Sydney Australia | Placement “Sydney Australia Mormon Temple.” Mormon Temples. |
Taipei Taiwan | Placement Powell, Don Gayle, “Northern Far East Mission photographs, 1954-1956” Church History Library, PH7917. Angel arrived 3 April, not placed until 21 April Replacement “台北聖殿摩羅乃雕像更換工程.” News, 4 Nov. 2017. |
Tampico México | Placement Physical Facilities Department (1972-1998, 2002-2011); Project Construction Division (2005-2011). “Temple construction photographs, 1980-2003,” Church History Library, PH 7917 |
Tegucigalpa Honduras | Placement Vicky. Colocacion Estatua De Moroni En Templo Honduras,, 9 Nov. 2011. Gardner, Danette. “Putting Angel Moroni on the Temple.” Honduran Adventure!, 10 Nov. 2011. |
The Hague Netherlands | Placement “Moroni Statue Placed atop Trio of Temples.” Church News, 29 Sept. 2001. |
Tijuana México | Placement “Tijuana Mexico Temple.” Mormon Temples. |
Tokyo Japan | Placement van der Leek, David. “Angel Moroni Statue atop Tokyo Temple.” The Church News, 7 January 2005. Earthquake “Mormon Church Updates Status of LDS Missionaries.” Www.good4utah.Com, ABC 4 News, 2011. |
Toronto Ontario | Placement Physical Facilities Department (1972-1998, 2002-2011); Temples and Special Projects Division. “Temple photographs, circa 1960-1995,“ Church History Library, PH 7080. Wallgren, Bruce, Interview, Quist, Marvin, June 2022. |
Trujillo Peru | Placement Eyring, Emily. “Angel Moroni Statues Placed atop 2 LDS Temples.” Deseret News, Deseret News, 18 Aug. 2014. |
Tucson Arizona | Placement Willett, Johanna. “Golden Statue Placed atop Mormon Temple in Tucson.” Arizona Daily Star, 4 Aug. 2017. |
Tuxtla Gutiérrez México | Placement Tuxtla Gutierrez Mexico Temple. “Tuxtla Gutierrez Mexico Temple history, 2000,” Church History Library, CR 832 2. The trumpet was placed after the Angel was in place. |
Twin Falls Idaho | Placement Coltrain, Nick. “Moving Moroni.” Twin Falls Times-News, 31 May 2007. |
Urdaneta Philippines | Placement |
Vancouver B.C. | Placement Satterfield, Rick. “Vancouver British Columbia Temple.” Vancouver British Columbia LDS (Mormon) Temple. |
Veracruz México | Placement Chile Missionary Training Center. “Registro Historico Centro de Capacitacion Misional De Chile, 2011; 2014-2015,” Church History Library, CR 683 2 f.4. |
Vernal Utah | Placement Avant, Gerry. “Angel Moroni Statue Tops Vernal Utah Temple Tower.” Church News, 5 Oct. 1996. Removed/Replaced “Statue returns with brilliant new coat,” Vernal Express, 26 February 1997, p 1. |
Villahermosa México | Placement Courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – Philippines, “Angel Moroni Raising Event,” [image] via |
Washington DC | Placed Lammi, Elmer W. “Moroni Statue Tops D.C. Spire.” Deseret NEws, 19 May 1973, p. 3. Regilded Washington Post, 27 August 1994 Regilded Kelly, John. “A Golden Opportunity to See Old-World Artisans.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 24 May 2006,. Removed Kelly, John. “At the Mormon Temple, a Golden Angel Comes down to Earth.”, The Washington Post, 1 Sept. 2016. Replaced |
Winnipeg Manitoba | Delivered “Angel Moroni Statue Delivered to Temple Site,” [Image] 2 June 2020. Placement Fabiola Juarez. “Angel Moroni Statue,” [Image], 28 July 2020.; “Winnipeg Temple Marks Construction Milestone.” News, 31 July 2020,.; The Statue arrived around 2 June of 2020: Gilson, Neil, |
Winter Quarters NB | Placement Winter Quarters Nebraska Temple. Winter Quarters Nebraska Temple video, 2000 November 7 , (accessed: February 1, 2022) |
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