Myth 3 | All Statues Face the Same Direction as the Temple’s Front Doors
Myth #3: All Statues Face the Same Direction as the Temple’s Front Doors
This is an effort to add extra significance and “sparkle” to something that is already more than significant in its own right. It’s also something that is only quoted by those who live near a temple which has a statue facing the same direction as the front doors, something that is actually becoming less common with time. Take for example the temples in Boise, Idaho, and American Fork, Utah. Both the Boise and the Mount Timpanogos Temples have their entry doors on the west side, while the statues face generally to the east. Or Dallas, which has the Angel Facing south and the doors on the North, East and west. Or perhaps Chicago, which has the Angel facing North and the entrances generally facing south. None of these examples take into account the examples where the statue faces to the right or the left of the front doors, a situation which is more and more common, like the Arequipa Peru Temple, where the entryway is facing generally north east, and the statue faces 90 degrees clockwise, in a south east direction.
This is not an oft quoted myth, but it still pops up occasionally.