Myth? | Angels and Bullets
Myth? | Angels and Bullets
How to say this?
I took some photos of a temple I was visiting in 2011. In the photos, one of which is placed below, it is obvious that in 6 of the 9 windows panes in one set of stained-glass windows the outer protective glass is shattered due to what appears to be pellet gun or bb gun shot.
There are people out there that have anger issues, a severe dislike of the Church, or just no respect for the property of others. Or even a combination of those factors. These people might not have developed good ways to express their anger.
There are many reasons the statues are replaced. Typically, it is due to damage from the elements and pollution. If holes are found during the change out, would that really be very surprising?
This myth? Probably true. But, honestly, don’t sweat it. It doesn’t change anything. I have put this story here in the myths section because there is no confirmed proof that it is true, even though I personally believe it to be likely.