Logan 1884

Logan Utah Temple Wiki

Quick Facts

6 October 1876

President Brigham Young

18 May 1877

Apostles Orson Pratt &John W. Young

17 May 1884

President John Taylor


175 N 300 E
Logan, Utah 84321-4720
United States

Additional Facts


The Logan Utah Temple was the only temple dedicated by President John Taylor.


The Logan Utah Temple was the only temple dedicated by President John Taylor.


This was the first house of the Lord to have muraled ordinance rooms for the endowment ceremony.


The Logan Utah Temple is the fourth constructed and the second of the still-operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Located in the city of Logan, Utah, it was the second LDS temple built in the Rocky Mountains, the St. George Temple.



On 22 August 1863, during a meeting between local leaders, members, and the General authorities in a large bowry constructed in Logan, Wilford W. Woodruf, then an apostle, stood and to the congregation prophesied the coming of a temple to Logan:

Yea, the day will come after your fathers and the prophets and apostles are dead and passed away into the spirit world, when you will have the privilege of going into the towers of a glorious temple, which will be built unto the name of the Most High east of us upon the Logan bench; and you will stand in the towers of that temple and your eyes survey this glorious Valley, filled with cities and villages, occupied with tens of thousands of Latter-Day Saints.[1]M. R. Hovey “Construction of the Temple,” Logan Journal, 4 August 1923, via MendonUtah.net. accessed 7 May 2017.

President Brigham Young then stood and affirmed that “All that Brother Woodruff has said is revelation and will be fulfilled.”[2]M. R. Hovey “Construction of the Temple,” Logan Journal, 4 August 1923, via MendonUtah.net. accessed 7 May 2017.

Site Selection

Brigham Young and several other leaders arrived in Cache valley on 16 May 1877 to select a site. Truman O. Angell made a tentative site selection. Later that morning they were joined by the rest of the party. Brigham young walked the silhouette of the proposed temple, digging in his heal at each corner. He then asked six bretheren to dig holes at each corner so that he could better see the layout. The digging was difficult, and after eight feet of gravel, President Young instructed them to stop, proclaiming that they would find it to be gravel all the way down. A later survey would show that hill to be gravel 1000 feet down.[3]Nolan P. Olson, “Logan Temple, The First 100 Years,”


The temple in Logan was announced on 10 October 1876,[4] Satterfield, Rick, “Logan Utah Temple,” churchofjesuschristtemples.org The site of the Logan Utah Temple had been held in reserve for many years. It was used as a park and public grounds before being dedicated as the site for the temple. The Salt Lake Temple had been announced in 1847 but construction was still underway and would not be completed until 1893, so the Logan Utah Temple was built along with the St. George Utah Temple and later the Manti Utah Temple to satisfy the church’s immediate need for temples.


Date1877 10 10
ByBrigham Young
ViaLocal Meeting

⮜Preceded by St. George Utah
Followed by Manti Utah


Ground was broken at noon on 18 May 1877 by John W. Young starting at the south east corner. Site Dedication was performed the same day by Elder Orson Pratt, Second Counselor in the First Presidency. The groundbreaking ceremony for the Logan Utah Temple was held a month after the groundbreaking ceremony for the Manti Utah Temple, marking the first time that two groundbreaking ceremonies were held in the same year.


Date1877 05 18
ByJohn W. Young

⮜Preceded by Manti Utah
Followed by Cardston Alberta


Corner Stones laid and Dedicated

On Monday the 19th of September 1877 people gathered from all around the valley, and at noon John Taylor conducted the ceremony. Master mason John Parry proceeded to lay the first corner stone, assisted by the Apostles and Patriarchs and Truman O. Angell. The remaining cornerstones were then laid, the South west by the Presiding Bishopric and local bishops.  Then the Northwest corner, which was laid by the Presidency of the Cache Valley Stake. Lastly the North East cornerstone was laid by the Presidency of the Seventy assisted by local Elder’s Quorum presidents. Each cornerstone is 4 1/2 feet wide by 4 1/2 feet tall, and 6 feet long running east to west.[5]Nolan P. Olson, “Logan Temple, The First 100 Years,”

Time Capsule Corner Stone

John Taylor and 8 of the Apostles gathered together on 3 August of 1878 , A stone box was placed in the Southeast corner, and while a small group of individuals watched on, various objects such as scriptures in English and Danish, copies of local and state newspapers, and a collection of coins. These objects were collected during the Golden Jubilee in 1934, and were moved to a metal box, along with additions, to be reviewed again later.[6]Nolan P. Olson, “Logan Temple, The First 100 Years,”




In November 1978 the walls of the temple reached 23 feet in height.[7]Nolan P. Olson, “Logan Temple, The First 100 Years,”


The Double string Sandstone Courses between the first and Second story windows was completed by 18 August 1879.[8]Nolan P. Olson, “Logan Temple, The First 100 Years,”

By November 21, as the mason work season closed for the winter, the south and east walls were 60 feet high, and the north and west walls had reached 50.[9]Nolan P. Olson, “Logan Temple, The First 100 Years,”


By the end of July the roof was completed.[10]Nolan P. Olson, “Logan Temple, The First 100 Years,”


The Logan Leader from 14 April featured an article stating that plumbers were on-site to do the steam heating work on the temple.[11]Nolan P. Olson, “Logan Temple, The First 100 Years,”

Utah Journal from 4 August mentions that only the east turret was needing finishing stone work. Pointing work on the exterior stone was in progress, working from the top down. It also mentioned that the walls were being painted in a “white color having a pink tint,” the west end having been finished already. Inside, the article stated that “The plasterers were crowding the carpenters” but that the work of finishing the inside was progressing rapidly.[12]Nolan P. Olson, “Logan Temple, The First 100 Years,”

Like the other temples of the early Church, the Temple was member constructed. Roughly 25,000 people worked on the Logan Utah Temple. Rocks and timber used for the temple were hauled from the Temple Fork area of Logan Canyon. As completion of the temple neared, women in the area were asked to make carpets for the temple, since commercially made carpet could not be bought in Utah at that time. The women spent two months working to hand make two thousand square yards of carpet.


The temple was dedicated on 17-19 May 1884 by John Taylor, then President of the Church, in 3 sessions. [13]M. R. Hovey “Construction of the Temple,” Logan Journal, 4 August 1923, via MendonUtah.net. accessed 7 May 2017. This is the only Temple dedicated by President Taylor.

To accommodate out-of-town travelers for the dedication, a committee was set up to provide food and sleeping quarters, and excursion trains ran with reduced rates.

Dedicatory Prayer

Construction Duration

0 y,
7 m,
12 d
6 y,
11 m,
30 d
7 y,
7 m,
11 d

Dedicatory Count









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Under Construction

Under Renovation


The Temple annex was expanded starting in August to add a dining room, a bedroom for the cooks, and a coal storage room. The expansion was completed by Christmas.


The exterior of the temple was painted again, as the exterior had been weathering.


In September, the painted exterior had weathered again. Comments that the exterior had acquired a “moldy” look prompted the decision to not paint, and let the stone regain its natural color.

1917 – Fire and Repair

A renovation of the temple had just finished in 4 September 1917. On 4 December of the same year a fire started in an electrical cabinet under the main stairway. The fire spread up the primary grand staircase on the east end of the north wall to the upper floor. The walls, ceilings, carpets, decorations, all furnishings, art windows, paintings, doors and casings were ruined or badly damaged. Forty thousand dollars was spent to repair it within three months.


Repair work from the fire was completed and the temple reopened for business 1 March. Total cost of repairs, which had been estimated at $100,000, was only $40,000. New offices were added to the annex at that time, and a cut through was made in the west wall of the annex to access them.


Additional expansion to the original annex. New entryway off the east end expanded, old entryway on west side remodeled and expanded. New south west annex addition tied annex directly into the first floor of the temple, instead of through underground tunnel. Additional expansion on the annex north end.


Recorders office is expanded, new rooms were built for the assistant recorder and office staff.

1934- Golden Jubilee

The temple was temporarily lit with the help of the city for the month of May in 1934 as part of the 50th year since the temples dedication.


Steel beams were installed on parts of the inside of the temple to fix problems with dry rot. The problems came about as a result of excess water from the 1917 fire.


The temple was permanently lit on 17 May 1947. 9,000 people attended a special dedicatory program, during which they were introduced to the temple’s new 50,000 watt floodlighting system.[14]Nelson, Ray, “Thousands Assemble on Logan Temple Hill for Colorful Rites,” The Herald Journal, 19 May 1947.

1949 – Modernization


In 1949, the temple was remodeled and received updated lighting, heating, air conditioning, elevators, and other modern conveniences.


The temple closed for one of it’s most extensive renovations to date on 6 August 1949.

Reopening Announced

On 4 February 1950 it was announced that the temple renovation, totaling in at $200,000 that the temple was more or less completed, baring the greenhouse, and would be opening the following Monday.[15]”Logan Temple To Reopen On Monday”, Salt Lake Telegram, 04 February 1950.

On 7 September 1949 it was announced that the opening of the temple would be delayed. The decision was made not to determine a new estimated opening at that time.[16]Christiansen, El Ray L., “Repairs Delay Opening Date of Logan Temple,” Deseret News, 7 September 1949.

Renovation Complete

The temple reopened for work, the renovation mostly complete, on Monday, 6 February 1950.


The plan for the renovation provided the following

  • New cloak rooms for men and women
  • Linen room
  • Lavatory facilities
  • Laundry room with modern equipment
  • New boiler room including two boilers
  • Coal storage bins sufficient for two car loads of coal
  • Modern kitchen equipped to serve light hot lunches for patrons and temple officiators
  • Cold storage space and equipment
  • Food storage facilities
  • Cafeteria
  • Nursery
  • Additional office space
  • Increased seating space in the chapel.
  • Remodled and redecorated font room
  • Dressing rooms and locker rooms for baptismal proxies
  • New lighting fixtures throughout the whole structure.
  • Renovating of the main assembly room
  • New greenhouse
  • The annex was expanded again, to the North and west
  • Crenelations on the annex walls were removed
  • A new taller chimney was placed farther from the temple, again to address issues with soot fouling the exterior of the temple proper.


on 7 February 1967 a set of elevator controls jammed and started another fire. It required attendance from the Fire Department, but the blaze was put out without any significant damage.

1975 Historical Registration

The Logan Utah Temple was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on November 20, 1975.[17]National Park Service“National Register Information System”. National Register of Historic Places, National Park Service, 9 July 2010.

1979 Remodel

In 1977, more remodeling was undertaken and the interior was completely gutted and redone.


The Ogden Temple was dedicated in 1972 and it was expected that it would take some of the load from Logan and Salt Lake Temples. Prior to the Ogden Temple being built, it was not unheard of for people to have to wait as long as 3 hours to get into one of the other two temples.  Even at the time of the time of building of the Ogden temple, there had been talk of converting the Logan Utah Temple to the video system of presentation in order to increase efficiency.[18]Prince and Wright, David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism, University of Utah Press, p 268, 2005.

Despite the Ogden temple being efficient enough to perform more work in a single month than Logan, Salt Lake, Manti and St George combined,[19]Arave, Lynn, Why were the first Ogden/Provo LDS temples designed the way they were?, Nigh Unto Kolob, 8 February 2016. accessed 2 October 2016. the wait time at Logan still remained.

The Proposal

Emil B. Fetzer was asked by the First Presidency to propose plans to convert the Logan Utah Temple so that film could be used for part of the endowment ceremony, and in a manner that would increase efficiency in the endowment performance times. After about a year of working on the problem, he presented what he felt was the only viable option: remove all inner walls and partitions, and start with a completely new layout to the interior. Besides effectively gutting all but the assembly hall on the top most level, the plan also included retrenchment of the footings, removing the existing temple annex on the North Side and building a larger annex in its place, and fixing structural issues with the original temple shell.[20]for more information about WHY the renovation would prove neccesary, read my article The sadee Tale of the Logan Utah Temple.


The announcement for the renovation was made in 1972, in the Church News of 28 October. It was announced along with pending or in progress renovations for 5 total temples.

From its 1884 dedication to its temporary closure in 1976 for renovations, 26,258,390 ordinances were performed in the Logan temple, more than 18% of the total work throughout all temples at the time.

Plan Approval

Approval was given in August 1975.[21]Kimball, Lengthen Your Stride: The Presidency of Spencer W. Kimball, working draft, Ch. 35 p. 22

Announced Renovations 1972 10 28

Render Released

The public got its first look at the pending rennovation when a render by Emil Fetzer was released in papers in November of 1976.[22]Nelson, Ray, “In 720 days, a new temple interior, annex,” The Herald Journal, 14 Novemberr 1976, p. 21


Upon commencement of the work in November of 1976, it became apparent that even the Assembly hall had structural issues, so it was removed with the intention of rebuilding it in its original state. Then the roof as well was found to have structural issues, so it to was stripped down to the trusses to be replaced as well. The drastic state this left the temple in is described by a Quote from the working draft of the book Lengthen Your Stride: The Presidency of Spencer W. Kimball:

As Fetzer…stood in the dirt of the basement level and looked up to see open sky through the skeleton roof trusses, he says, “I was horribly shocked,…shaken at the boldness and the audacity that I had in proposing such an extreme and drastic manner for changing a temple…yet, I knew that it was right.”[23]Kimball, Lengthen Your Stride: The Presidency of Spencer W. Kimball, working draft, Ch. 35 p. 22

The remodel finished in 1979, and increased the temples capacity by 75% compared to the original layout.[24]Lynne Hollstein, “Tours begin in Logan Temple,” Deseret News, Feb 10, 1979

Open House

An open house for the newly remodeled temple was held February 6-March 3 of 1979, a total of 24 days. Although around 90,000 people were initially expected to attend, the event brought in 213,184 guests. The busiest day saw 19,205 guests, with the line to enter stretching seven blocks.

Start Date1979 02 06
End Date1979 03 03
Per day8,883


The temple nearly 95 year old temple was rededicated 13–15 March 1979 by Spencer W. Kimball in 9 sessions[25]“Logan Temple Rededicated” Ensign, May 1979. Accessed 7 May 2017. Over 1,250 people attended the service in person inside the priesthood room, and around 2,500 people watched the dedication on closed-circuit television.

Construction Duration

4 y,
0 m,
5 d
2 y,
4 m,
13 d
6 y,
4 m,
14 d

Rededicatory Prayer

Reopening Order


At the time the temple reopened, there were 17 temples in operation. 2 Temples were under construction, and 3 temples had been announced and were awaiting groundbreaking.


Under Construction

Awaiting Groundbreaking

(American Samoa would later be canceled and replaced with multiple temples.)

Under Renovation


Reception of the remodel of the temple was mixed. 30 years later it is still common to see complaints and laments over the loss of the historical pioneer aspects of the temple[26]BT,”Logan Temple: Interior, Renovation, and Restoration,” Historic LDS Architecture, 30 July 2015.[27]Commment Section”The Logan Temple – Then and Now,” The Trumpet Stone, 16 January 2011. accessed 25 April 2017.

One very poignant sentiment was recounted by musician and cache valley historian Michael Ballam. In an interview with his grandfather, who had been a witness to the changes made during the remodel. He asked him what he had felt watching all the “beautiful things” being removed from the temple:

“It was hard, but we needed to learn a Lesson… some of us were confused that the temple was about velvet, and about marble, and about beautiful paintings, and it’s not. It’s about Holy Ordinances. And those ordinances could be performed in a tent in the wilderness as they were with Moses, Or in a home that was worthy of those ordinances, and I think some of us needed to learn that lesson. I was one of them.”

The Temple had been registered a historical place in November of 1975, the remodel and modernization brought complaints from the National Register of Historic Places. To those complaints a regional representative of the Church responded, “Personally, I don’t see any difference on way or another. The temple serves a religious purpose whether it’s an historical site or not.” [28]”Historical register status or not, Logan Temple will serve function,” Deseret News, May 7 1979


In 2009, the Logan Utah Temple grounds were renovated, replacing the 1970s-style water feature with an oval reflecting pool. The new design incorporated several steps to serve as photograph areas and added heated sidewalks to combat the ample snowfall experienced in Cache Valley.

2027 Renovation


On 7 April 2019, during April 2019 general conference, President Russell M. Nelson announced that the Logan Utah Temple and other pioneer-era temples would be renovated in the coming years. Renovation plans for the Logan temple have not yet been released.[29]Nelson, By President Russell M. Closing Remarks. 1 Apr. 2019, www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2019/04/57nelson.


  • The Logan Utah Temple was the first temple built with progressive-style muraled ordinance rooms for live-acting presentation of the endowment ceremony.
  • The Logan Utah Temple was the first and only temple dedicated by President John Taylor.


Temple PresidentTemple MatronRangeYears
Jeffrey R BurbankKimberli Ann Eyre Burbank2023–
Thomas Merrill CherringtonMary Miner Cherrington2020–20233
Jerry Lee NelsonRuth Marie Thornock Nelson2017–20203
Glen Orvil Jenson[30]Six New Temple Presidents Called,” LDS.org, 27 May 2014, accessed 25 April 2017.Kathylene Howard Jenson2014–20173
Glenn Ward Taylor[31]New Temple Presidents” Church News, 21 May 2011. accessed 25 April 2017.Lynette Rogers Taylor2011–20143
William Rolfe KerrJaneil Raybould Kerr2008–20113
Dennis Ericksen SimmonsCarolyn Thorpe Simmons2005–20083
Vaughn J FeatherstoneMerlene Miner Featherstone2002–20053
Max Wells CranerEvelyn Parke Craner1999–20023
George Jackson (Jack) KiddLillian Barrett Kidd1996–19993
Oral Lamb BallamTacy Chambers Ballam1993–19963
Ivan Valaire MillerRuth Maurine Nelson Miller1990–19933
George Clifford FicklinArlene Jackson Ficklin1987–19903
Ralph M JohnsonGenevieve Porter Johnson1984–19873
Reed BullenKathryn Bowen Bullen1978–19846
Nolan Porter Olsen (Acting)1976–19782
Lloyd Rulon HunsakerThelma Layton Hunsaker1973–19763
Elvie William HeatonVida Ericksen Manning Heaton
Marjorie Howard Blood Knapp
Pearl Susannah Anderson Heaton
Alonzo George RaymondLovisa Hammond Maughan Raymond
Ruby Probst Rex
Connie Miles Raymond
ElRay LaVar ChristiansenLewella Ann Rees Christiansen1943–19529
Joseph Quinney Jr.Margaret Peart Cannon1936–19437
William Aquilla NobleMargaret Peart Cannon1935–19361
Joseph Russell ShepherdMargaret Peart Cannon
Elizabeth Yates Stoddard
William BudgeElizabeth Yates Stoddard
Martha Morgan Burris
Marriner Wood MerrillMartha Morgan Burris
Mary Thompson Richards
Nancy Porter Clark



The Logan Utah Temple stands prominently on an elevated terrace—visible for miles throughout northern Utah’s Cache Valley. Occupying an entire city block, the site features charming gardens and an oval reflecting pool on the east side and a huge grassy hill on the west. Just two blocks from the temple is the historic Logan Tabernacle, located on highly traveled Highway 91.


175 N 300 E
Logan, Utah 84321-4720
United States



(+1) 435-752-3611





The height of the east tower is 175 feet, and the height of the weest tower is 160 feet. The building itself is around 80 feet to the square. The four corner towers are each approximately 96 feet tall.



The temple was constructed from a dark-colored, siliceous limestone for areas needing more detailed shapnig, Buff-colored sandstone was used. The temple was then covered with a white wash mixed with led red paint, giving it a pink tint. This gave the temple a unified solid color appearance.


The windows on the temple were clear glass in double hung frames.

Exterior Finish

White wash mixed with led red paint, giving it a pink tint.


To Shoulder83*#



The temple’s pink covering was allowed, over time, to weather away. By this point, only the lowest story of the temple was pink, with the rest of the temple gaining the two tone look of the limestone and sandstone it was constructed from.


The windows on the temple were clear glass in double hung frames.

Exterior Finish



To Shoulder83*#



By this point, the entire temple exterior featured the two tone look of the limestone and sandstone it was constructed from.


The windows on the temple were clear glass in double hung frames.

Exterior Finish



To Shoulder83*#



By this point, the entire temple exterior featured the two tone look of the limestone and sandstone it was constructed from.


The windows on the temple were clear glass in double hung frames.

Exterior Finish



To Shoulder83*#




By this point, the entire temple exterior featured the two tone look of the limestone and sandstone it was constructed from.


The windows on the temple were clear glass in double hung frames.

Exterior Finish



To Shoulder83*#




By this point, the entire temple exterior featured the two tone look of the limestone and sandstone it was constructed from.


The windows on the temple were clear glass in double hung frames. Church architect Emil Fetzer had many of the windows blacked out and covered, allowing for artificial lighting to fully control the light in the rooms inside.

Exterior Finish


To Shoulder83*#


Like the St. George Temple before it, the Logan Utah Temple has little to no exterior Symbolism.


The cornerstone of the Logan Utah Temple was placed to initiate construction of the temple on Monday the 19th of September 1877. As the Cornerstones were part of the structural build, no visible stone is left to be noted.


Above each of the windows is a keystone, a total of 37 in all.



There is one inscription on the Logan Utah Temple. It is on the center lowest of 3 keystones on the east end of the temple. on the front of the keystone is a sculpture of a scroll, and the letters of the inscription are carved into the scroll and Gilded.


OrderHoliness > House
LocationEast face between the large central windows
SettingConcrete facade
Church NameYes
Temple NameYes


Spires and Moroni


There are 2 spires on the Logan Temple, one each on the center of the west and east ends, flanked by octagonal towers that contain stairwells. The East spire is 170 feet tall, the west spire is 160 feet.


The Logan Temple is one of a few temples has dual weather vanes. There is one each at the top of the two spires. Originally fully functional weathervanes, currently they are locked into place, with one pointing North, and the other south.

Original Interior


Prior to the overhaul and remodel in the 1970’s, the Logan temple had progressive endowment rooms. Being the first temple constructed explicitly for the progressive endowment, lessons were learned. Difficulties incured by the narrow staircases, height differences between rooms, and narrow doorways, would require massive changes to bring the temple up to the standards of other temples in use by the church.


entery to the temple was on the north end of the east face of the temple annex.

Area11,500 sqf (1,070 m2)
Floors above grade4
Floors below Grade0
Endowment Rooms4
Sealing Rooms4

The baptistry in the Logan temple was on the ground floor in the center of the temple. The endowment rooms wrapped clock wise (when viewed from above) around the outside of the baptistry along the outside walls of the temple. The oxen in the baptistry were carved by Scottish immigrant Alexander McQueen. The font was cast in 6 pieces of iron. The Font and oxen together weigh about 9 tons.

Exterior Windows:No
Artwork Type:None
Layout:3 spread each at Compass
Font Exterior:Gilt
Bowl Shape:Oval
Stairs:Dual, Opposing
Font Well:Interior
Initiatory Spaces


Styledetached, attached, combined
Typestationary, progressive
Instruction Rooms
Creation Room

The Creation Room was on the north east corner of the temple, at or slightly below the ground floor level.  The room was entered from a set of doors midwall on the west side of the room, on the right hand side of the room when facing forward. These doors were directly off the main stairway for the temple. On the south center wall was the door to the next room. The door was raised 4-5 feet above the floor. Access to the door was gained by 2 stairs running left and right across the south wall from the landing in front of the door. The creation room had full floor to ceiling wrap around murals. The murals were painted by William Armitage.  The murals in this room were reportedly painted on canvas and consequently were salvaged and put into storage when the temple was remodeled.

Garden Room

In the south east corner of the temple was the Garden Room. Entry into the room was from a floor level door in the center of the north wall (from the Creation Room.) Half of the seats in the room faced South, and all the seats on the south half of the room faced west. In the north east corner was a narrow stair and door in the east wall leading up into the east tower. Access to the next room was by a door, 4-5 feet off the ground, in the south west corner of the room on the west wall.

As in the creation room, access to the door was by stairs running left and right from the doors landing. The Garden room had full floor to ceiling wrap around murals. A door, added to this room during a 1916 renovation, to the right (north) if the exit door led into the baptistry onto a landing and stairway down to the font level. The murals were painted by Danquart “Dan” Anthon Weggeland. The murals in this room were painted directly on the plaster and could not be saved during the renovation in the 1970’s.

World Room

The world room was on the center of the south wall of the temple. Entry into the room was from a door in the center of the east wall at floor level (from the Garden Room.) Access to the next room was through a door in the center of the west wall, about 5 feet off the floor. The same double stair configuration was used to gain access to this door as in the other rooms of the temple.  The World room had full floor to ceiling wrap around murals. The murals were painted by Danquart “Dan” Anthon Weggeland. The murals in this room had been painted on canvas and were salvaged and put into storage when the temple was remodeled.

Terrestrial Room

The Terrestrial Room was in the south west corner of the temple. Access into this room from the World room was through a door near the back of the room, on the east wall near the south corner. 2 stairways along the south wall led down (?) to other portions of the temple. A raised mezzanine on the north end of the room was used to provide access to the Celestial room.  The mezzanine  was 6 feet above floor level of the room. Access was provided by a single wide stairwell running along the west wall of the room. Unlike the other rooms in the temple there were no murals, instead the Terrestrial room had been ornately decorated with molding.

Total Muraled Rooms#
Mural Type
Celestial Room

The Celestial room wrapped around the north east corner of the temple in an “L” shape. Access was gained from the south wall of the west leg of the “L”, and patrons left via the east wall of the north leg.  Like the Terrestrial Room, The Celestial Room had ornately decorated with molding, but to a far more detailed degree. Large 20×30 foot pictures by William Armitage, and later large paintings by J. Leo Fairbanks (father of Avard Fairbanks) decorated the walls.

Assembly Hall


Assembly Halls1
Clothing Issue


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Truman O. Angel Jr., son of Temple architect Truman O. Angell, was the Architect for this temple.

Project Manager

Charles O. Card

General Contractor

Member Built

Other Projects Member Built

Kirtland Ohio1833-1836
Nauvoo Temple1841-1846
St. George Utah1871-1877
Logan Utah1877-1884
Manti Utah1877-1888
Salt Lake Temple1953-1893
Laie Hawaii1916-1919
Cardston Alberta1913-1923
Mesa Arizona1921-1927
Hamilton New Zealand1955-1958

Other Contractor

Master MasonJohn Parry
Plastering ForemanWilliam Davis
Master MechanicJames Quayle
Chief ClerkJames A. Leishman
Chief QuarrymanRalph P. Smith
White Rock Quarry SuperAlexander Isatt
Saw Mill SuperintendantDavid Lamoreaux



Emil Fetzer was the architect for this renovation.

Other Projects By Emil Fetzer

Provo Utah1968-1972
Ogden Utah1968-1972
Washington D. C. [supervising architect]1968-1974
Lincoln Center skyscraper and Stake Center,
(now houses the Manhattan New York Temple)
Idaho Falls Idaho [renovation]1972-1973
Mesa Arizona [renovation]1972-1975
St. George Utah [renovation]1972-1975
São Paulo Brazil1975-1978
Tokyo Japan1975-1980
Seattle Washington1975-1980
Laie Hawaii [renovation]1972-1978
Logan Utah1972-1979
Pago Pago American Samoa [original]1977-1981
Jordan River Utah1978-1981
Atlanta Georgia1980-1983
Nuku’alofa Tonga1980-1983
Santiago Chile1980-1983
Mexico City Mexico1980-1983
Sydney Australia1980-1984
Freiberg Germany1982-1985
Manti Utah [renovation]1982-1985

General Contractor


Box Elder1Brigham City
Cache2Logan · Smithfield
Davis3Bountiful · Layton · Syracuse
Iron1Cedar City
Salt Lake6Draper · Jordan River · Oquirrh Mountain · Salt Lake · Taylorsville · West Jordan
San Juan1Monticello 
Sanpete2Ephraim · Manti
Tooele1Deseret Peak
Utah8Lehi · Lindon · Mount Timpanogos · Orem · Payson · Provo Rock Canyon · Provo City Center · Saratoga Springs
Wasatch1Heber Valley
Washington2Red Cliffs · St. George
Alabama2Birmingham · Huntsville
Alaska1Anchorage · Fairbanks
Arizona7Gilbert · Mesa · Phoenix · Queen Creek · Snowflake · The Gila Valley · Tucson · Yuma
California12Bakersfield · Feather River · Fresno · Los Angeles · Modesto · Newport · Oakland · Redlands · Sacramento · San Diego · San Jose · Yorba Linda
Colorado4Colorado Springs · Denver · Fort Collins · Grand Junction
Florida5Fort Lauderdale · Jacksonville · Orlando · Tallahassee · Tampa
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Sources and Citations


1, 13 M. R. Hovey “Construction of the Temple,” Logan Journal, 4 August 1923, via MendonUtah.net. accessed 7 May 2017.
2 M. R. Hovey “Construction of the Temple,” Logan Journal, 4 August 1923, via MendonUtah.net. accessed 7 May 2017.
3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Nolan P. Olson, “Logan Temple, The First 100 Years,”
4 Satterfield, Rick, “Logan Utah Temple,” churchofjesuschristtemples.org
14 Nelson, Ray, “Thousands Assemble on Logan Temple Hill for Colorful Rites,” The Herald Journal, 19 May 1947.
15 ”Logan Temple To Reopen On Monday”, Salt Lake Telegram, 04 February 1950.
16 Christiansen, El Ray L., “Repairs Delay Opening Date of Logan Temple,” Deseret News, 7 September 1949.
17 National Park Service“National Register Information System”. National Register of Historic Places, National Park Service, 9 July 2010.
18 Prince and Wright, David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism, University of Utah Press, p 268, 2005.
19 Arave, Lynn, Why were the first Ogden/Provo LDS temples designed the way they were?, Nigh Unto Kolob, 8 February 2016. accessed 2 October 2016.
20 for more information about WHY the renovation would prove neccesary, read my article The sadee Tale of the Logan Utah Temple.
21, 23 Kimball, Lengthen Your Stride: The Presidency of Spencer W. Kimball, working draft, Ch. 35 p. 22
22 Nelson, Ray, “In 720 days, a new temple interior, annex,” The Herald Journal, 14 Novemberr 1976, p. 21
24 Lynne Hollstein, “Tours begin in Logan Temple,” Deseret News, Feb 10, 1979
25 “Logan Temple Rededicated” Ensign, May 1979. Accessed 7 May 2017
26 BT,”Logan Temple: Interior, Renovation, and Restoration,” Historic LDS Architecture, 30 July 2015.
27 Commment Section”The Logan Temple – Then and Now,” The Trumpet Stone, 16 January 2011. accessed 25 April 2017.
28 ”Historical register status or not, Logan Temple will serve function,” Deseret News, May 7 1979
29 Nelson, By President Russell M. Closing Remarks. 1 Apr. 2019, www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2019/04/57nelson.
30 Six New Temple Presidents Called,” LDS.org, 27 May 2014, accessed 25 April 2017.
31 New Temple Presidents” Church News, 21 May 2011. accessed 25 April 2017.