McKinney Texas Temple Wiki
Quick Facts
2 October 2022
President Russell M. Nelson
Additional Facts
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The city of McKinney is located within the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area of North Texas. Texas is home to more than 370,000 Latter-day Saints in 737 congregations.[1]”The Church of Jesus Christ Will Build 18 New Houses of the Lord,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 2 Oct. 2022.
Missionary work in Texas began in 1843 during the early history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
On October 2, 2022, President Russell M. Nelson announced plans to construct the Prosper Texas Temple at the October 2022 General Conference.[2]”The Church of Jesus Christ Will Build 18 New Houses of the Lord,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 2 Oct. 2022, https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/october-2022-general-conference-new-temples. The temple was announced in Conjunction with 17 other temples
Texas Temples at the time of Announcement
Under Construction
- San Antonio Texas [2005]
- Dallas Texas [1984]
- Houston Texas [2000]
- Lubbock Texas [2002]
Date | 2 October 2022 |
By | Russell M. Nelson |
Role | President |
Via | General Conference |
⮜Preceded by Grand Rapids Michigan
Followed by Lone Mountain Nevada⮞
Announced 2 October 2022
- Busan Korea
- Naga Philippines
- Santiago Philippines
- Eket Nigeria
- Chiclayo Peru
- Buenos Aires City Center Argentina
- Londrina Brazil
- Ribeirão Prêto Brazil
- Huehuetenango Guatemala
- Jacksonville Florida
- Grand Rapids Michigan
- McKinney Texas (as Prosper Texas)
- Lone Mountain Nevada
- Tacoma Washington
- Cuernavaca Mexico
- Pachuca Mexico
- Toluca Mexico
- Tula Mexico
Location Announced
On December 4, 2023, the location of the McKinney Texas Temple was announced as an 8.16-acre site located along Stacy Road just east of an existing meetinghouse at 651 East Stacy Road, in Fairview, Texas. Plans call for a multi-story temple of approximately 44,000 square feet.[3]”McKinney Texas Temple Site Announced,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 4 Dec. 2023, https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/mckinney-texas-temple-site-announced.
Name Changed
As part of the Location announcement, it was announced that the name would be changed from the Prosper Texas Temple, to the McKinney Texas Temple.[4]”McKinney Texas Temple Site Announced,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 4 Dec. 2023, https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/mckinney-texas-temple-site-announced. The city center of the two cities is about 12 miles apart by car.
Render Released
On February 26, 2024, the official exterior rendering for the McKinney Texas Temple was released to the public.[5]”Renderings for Temples in England, Nevada and Texas,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 26 Feb. 2024, https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/renderings-released-temples-england-nevada-texas-washington.

2024 April 14
A petition on Change.org, started by a local resident on 14 April, demanded that the city keep and enforce the R-1 zoning of the property, limiting the height of any structure to a maximum of 35 feet. The overall complaint was that a building of that size was not suitable for a residential location.[6]K, Alycia. “Demand Fairview to Uphold RE-1 Zoning Regulations.” Change.org, 2 July 2024, www.change.org/p/demand-fairview-to-uphold-re-1-zoning-regulations.
2024 May 2
The Church hosted an open house meeting for the local residents explaining the project, and why the Church wanted the building and spire to be as large as proposed. During the meeting the Church also addressed concerns over traffic and lighting. According to local news coverage, the information from the meeting was not well received. One resident said of the building “It’s obnoxious. It’s inconsiderate. It’s inappropriate,” complaining that it did not fit the environment it is located in. Another resident said that they want the Church to get their building, but not at that size.[7]Parker, Jobin. “Church to propose 16-story spire to town of Fairview committee.” wfaa.com, May 2024, www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/church-to-propose-16-story-spire-town-of-fairview-committee/287-9ca46855-3332-4aa1-9289-6bd69e2d2a9e. Accessed 10 Sept. 2024.
2024 May 10
When the proposal came before the Planning and Zoning Committee in a packed meeting, Church representatives explained again that every aspect of the design serves a purpose, and was necessary for what the Church needs. local residents disagreed, and in the end, so did the Planning Committee. They recommended that the City council Members reject the proposal when it was brought to them. The Mayor, at that time, indicated that was already what he planned to do. “I can only speak for myself. I will never approve that,” he said. “It is just grossly out of proportion to everything around there.”
The City indicated that they had 350 messages from residents, 87% against, and that they had recieved more than twice as many from non-residents, 89% for.[8]Lucia, Andrea. “Fairview Faces Legal Threat as P&Z Votes Down Proposed LDS Temple Design: ‘They’re Being a Bully.’” CBS News, 11 May 2024, www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/fairview-faces-legal-threat-as-p-z-votes-down-proposed-mormon-temple-design-theyre-being-a-bully.
2024 June 4
The City Council first met to discuss the issue on 4 June, letting individuals from both sides have their say. After nearly three hours of discussion, the Council decided to table the issue until August. The Mayor concluded the meeting by saying they would allow the Church 2 months to return with a more reasonable sized proposal.[9]Persing, Sydney. “No vote: Fairview city council punts decision on temple with controversial spire.” wfaa.com, 4 June 2024, www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/fairview-city-council-punts-decision-temple-with-controversial-spire/287-c45294ed-adf5-4daf-a915-56d599227ef0. Accessed 10 Sept. 2024.
2024 August 7
In a unanimous vote cast 8 August, the Fairview Town Council denied the Church’s application for a conditional use permit to build the McKinney Texas Temple at the proposed height and dimensions. The decision came at the conclusion of a packed four-hour meeting where town officials heard public comment that focused largely around the temple’s size. Church representatives may reapply with a new proposal, but a Church spokesperson said, “At this point, we are keeping our options open.”[10]Panicker, Jobin. “Hundreds pack Texas town council meeting opposing LDS church temple proposal with 173-foot spire.” wfaa.com, 7 Aug. 2024, www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/fairview-texas-lds-church-temple-proposal. Accessed 9 Sept. 2024.
2024 November 18
On November 18, the town of Fairview Texas and the Church came together in a non binding mediation meeting to hash out a compromise. The starting point for Fairview was that the zoning allowed 35 feet, but they would allow an exception up to 68 feet, as they had for the chapel next door. The Church’s starting point was to put all 68 of those feet into the main portion of the 44,000 square foot temple, and then do a spire reaching 173 feet. Typically, in the United states, there is no restriction on the height of spires on a religious structure. [11]Weister, Alex. “Town of Fairview Calls Mediation Over Controversial LDS Temple Plans.” https://www.kltv.com, 8 Nov. 2024, www.kltv.com/2024/11/07/town-fairview-calls-mediation-over-controversial-lds-temple-plans. The compromised reached betweeen the city allowed for a single floor temple of 33,000 square feet, with spire reaching 120 feet. The Church will redesign to those specifications, then resubmit to the city.[12]Kersh, Lilly. “Fairview, Church of Latter-day Saints Head to Mediation Over Temple.” Dallas News, 10 Nov. 2024, www.dallasnews.com/news/faith/2024/11/08/fairview-church-of-jesus-christ-of-latter-day-saints-head-to-mediation-in-temple-dispute.
he city of McKinney is located within the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area of North Texas. An 8.16-acre site located along Stacy Road just east of an existing meetinghouse at 651 East Stacy Road, in Fairview, Texas is the spote chosen for the location of the future temple.
East Stacy Road
Fairview, Texas
United States
Latitude | # |
Longitude | # |
Feet | Meters |
656 | 200 |
Acres | Hectares |
8.16 | 3.3 |
The proposed exterior facade of the temple would be limestone.
Water Course
The base course of the proposed design is Granite stone around 2 feet high.
Spandrel panel
Copper panels between the windows would add additional ornamentation to the temple.
Exterior Finish
Architectural Features
Single attached end spire
Feet | Meters | |
Height | 173.75 | 52.81 |
To Shoulder | 56 | 17.06 |
Width | # | # |
Length | # | # |
Footprint | # | # |
Initial Plans call for a multi-story temple of approximately 44,000 square feet.
Area | 43,200 f2 (4,013 m2) |
Floors above grade | 2 |
Floors below Grade | 0.25 |
Baptistries | 1 |
Initiatories | |
Endowment Rooms | 4* |
Sealing Rooms | 3* |
Sources and Citations
↑1 | ”The Church of Jesus Christ Will Build 18 New Houses of the Lord,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 2 Oct. 2022. |
↑2 | ”The Church of Jesus Christ Will Build 18 New Houses of the Lord,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 2 Oct. 2022, https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/october-2022-general-conference-new-temples. |
↑3, ↑4 | ”McKinney Texas Temple Site Announced,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 4 Dec. 2023, https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/mckinney-texas-temple-site-announced. |
↑5 | ”Renderings for Temples in England, Nevada and Texas,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 26 Feb. 2024, https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/renderings-released-temples-england-nevada-texas-washington. |
↑6 | K, Alycia. “Demand Fairview to Uphold RE-1 Zoning Regulations.” Change.org, 2 July 2024, www.change.org/p/demand-fairview-to-uphold-re-1-zoning-regulations. |
↑7 | Parker, Jobin. “Church to propose 16-story spire to town of Fairview committee.” wfaa.com, May 2024, www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/church-to-propose-16-story-spire-town-of-fairview-committee/287-9ca46855-3332-4aa1-9289-6bd69e2d2a9e. Accessed 10 Sept. 2024. |
↑8 | Lucia, Andrea. “Fairview Faces Legal Threat as P&Z Votes Down Proposed LDS Temple Design: ‘They’re Being a Bully.’” CBS News, 11 May 2024, www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/fairview-faces-legal-threat-as-p-z-votes-down-proposed-mormon-temple-design-theyre-being-a-bully. |
↑9 | Persing, Sydney. “No vote: Fairview city council punts decision on temple with controversial spire.” wfaa.com, 4 June 2024, www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/fairview-city-council-punts-decision-temple-with-controversial-spire/287-c45294ed-adf5-4daf-a915-56d599227ef0. Accessed 10 Sept. 2024. |
↑10 | Panicker, Jobin. “Hundreds pack Texas town council meeting opposing LDS church temple proposal with 173-foot spire.” wfaa.com, 7 Aug. 2024, www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/fairview-texas-lds-church-temple-proposal. Accessed 9 Sept. 2024. |
↑11 | Weister, Alex. “Town of Fairview Calls Mediation Over Controversial LDS Temple Plans.” https://www.kltv.com, 8 Nov. 2024, www.kltv.com/2024/11/07/town-fairview-calls-mediation-over-controversial-lds-temple-plans. |
↑12 | Kersh, Lilly. “Fairview, Church of Latter-day Saints Head to Mediation Over Temple.” Dallas News, 10 Nov. 2024, www.dallasnews.com/news/faith/2024/11/08/fairview-church-of-jesus-christ-of-latter-day-saints-head-to-mediation-in-temple-dispute. |