Moroni Faces East

Moroni always Faces East (Except When He Doesn’t)

You ever hear anyone say that the Angel Moroni Statue on temples always faces east? Well, that’s just not quite true. Using photographs to determine where the Moroni faces in relation to the temple, then using satellite photographs to translate that to a direction on a compass, this graphic shows where the Statues face.

While it is true that there are more Statues that face east than any other specific Direction, you can only say that the majority of them face east if “East” is the direction between North East and South East.

An Extra note:

For most of the Angel Moroni Statues, the direction was determined by which direction the chest faces. The exception to this are the statues holding gold plates, where the trumpet was used.

Why not the trumpet for all of them?

for most statues, the trumpet and the head are turned to the Angel Moroni’s right side. If you use the trumpet, almost none of the statues qualify as facing east!

Also, Check out my e-book (free for download or reading online) for more information about the Angel Moroni Statue, Know Your Moroni.

2023 Update (The Definitive Update)