Okinawa Japan Temple
Grey-tailed Tattler · Tringa brevipes
Ross Gallardy, XC192309. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/192309.
Black-winged Stilt · Himantopus himantopus
Ross Gallardy, XC193722. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/193722.
Modeled: 2.83
Render: Cycles
Whole Scene
Vertices: 699,858
Faces: 719,251
Objects: 59
File Size: 119.7 MiB
Temple Only
Vertices: 274,717
Faces: 217,915
Objects: 22
File Size: 39.6

Hey I really love your amazing temple models! I was wondering if there is a way I could use the models for a personal project? I would love to give credit and a link to any models I would use in my project as well!
Thank you for the compliment, and your interest in my work!
Unfortunately, I do not give out or sell my digital files.