Sapporo Japan Temple
[tabby title=”Current Video”]
Video and Model Details
water_waterfall_small_001 – soundscalpel.com
Cicadas_GeimoriSapporoHokkaido – snotch
Modeled: 2.x
Render: Cycles
Video and Model Details
Modeled: 2.x
Render: Cycles
Whole Scene
Vertices: 1,957,813
Faces: 1,775,153
Objects: 2,030
File Size: 155.2 MB
Temple Only
Vertices: 147,433
Faces: 137,418
Objects: 61
File Size: 4.89 MB
[tabby title=”Draft 1″]
Video and Model Details
The rendering of this one stuck with me.
This video was been a long time in coming. I finished the model after over a month of work, but the render has taken 10 straight days. I put a lot of effort into trying to get this right, then as always happens I noticed some new details AFTER I started rendering. Also I had a cool effect going on for the grass, but a file error caused me to lose it. Again, I noticed after I started rendering.
I have an extra addition to the temple above the baptistry entrance. The design of this temple should be very similar to Calgary Alberta temple, so that part is a mistake on my part. I felt it needed something. I am going to leave it for now, as I don’t know if Sapporo will ave the patio above the entrance like Calgary does.
Ambient Sound – helupema
Morning Birds March – cognito perceptu
Water 1 – UncleSigmund
Modeled: Blender 2.x
Render: Cycles
Modeled: 2.x
Render: Cycles
Whole Scene
Vertices: 33,767
Faces: 31,390
Objects: 526
File Size: 6.6 MB
Temple Only
Vertices: 7,508
Faces: 6,168
Objects: 60
File Size: 2.77 MB