On 24 November 2022 the Church placed an Angel Moroni Statue atop the Salta Argentina Temple. This event was significant because, even though there are 55 Temples currently under construction and an additional 9 temples that have had a render released, none of them are slated to receive a Statue unless they already have it. 35 of the temples under construction don’t have completed spires yet, either, and none of them are slated to receive a statue at this point.
This ends an era. With few exceptions, every temple built in the last 40 years has had the statue.
Because of this, I have taken the opportunity to make a definitive, final version of a couple of my long-running projects.
Know Your Moroni. A Free E-Book
My e-book about the Angel Statue history and usage is finally finished. Any temple that did not have a render released at the time of publishing has been removed to simplify the book over all, though they are mentioned briefly. Articles and stories are updated, including a mention of the final statue placement.
Now, there still may be small updates for grammar, phrasing, typos and the like, but there will not be another major edition of this volume.
Download Now!

The Book is still rather large, so I have once a gain broken it down into 2 parts. Part one is Bios, statue info, stories and myths. Part 2 is all the charts, graphs and lists.

The biggest change this time around, however, is that I have nearly completed my efforts to put the whole book into an online readable format, for those who have no desire to download. That can be found here:
Moroni Faces East. A Free Infographic

Of an even more satisfying is what will be the final major update to My Moroni Direction infographic. I’m sure there are small errors and things I have forgotten, stuff I will need to change, but for the most part, this is now done. It will not be updated as new renders are released.
The Future
Should the Church once again commence the practice of adding statues to temples, even retroactively, It will, at this point, constitute a whole new Volume of my book, rather than an update to the existing. It may mean the same thing for the infographic as well. I haven’t decided on that one yet.
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