Wichita Kansas Temple Wiki
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Quick Facts
3 April 2022
President Russell M. Nelson
7 September 2024
Elder Steven R. Bangerter
person and title
Additional Facts
fact 1
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fact 3
There are more than 38,000 Latter-day Saints in about 75 congregations in Kansas, a state located near the center of the United States. Wichita is the most populous city in the state.
Missionaries first taught the native Shawnee and Delaware people in the Kansas area in 1831. The first branch was organized in 1882 in the central part of the state, east of Salina.[1]”President Nelson Announces 17 New Temples,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 3 Apr. 2022.
On April 3, 2022, President Russell M. Nelson announced plans to construct the Wichita KAnsas Temple at the April 2022 General Conference. It was announced in conjunction with 16 other temples.[2]”President Nelson Announces 17 New Temples,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 3 Apr. 2022. https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/prophet-new-temples-april-2022
Date | 2022 04 03 |
By | Russell M. Nelson |
Role | President |
Via | General Conference |
⮜Preceded by Cleveland Ohio
Followed by Austin Texas⮞
Announced 2022 04 03
- Wellington New Zealand
- Brazzaville Republic of the Congo
- Barcelona Spain
- Birmingham United Kingdom
- Cusco Peru
- Maceió Brazil
- Santos Brazil
- San Luis Potosí Mexico
- Mexico City Benemérito Mexico
- Tampa Florida
- Knoxville Tennessee
- Cleveland Ohio
- Wichita Kansas
- Austin Texas
- Missoula Montana
- Montpelier Idaho
- Modesto California
Location Announcement
The location of the Wichita Kansas Temple has been announced as a 6.42-acre site located on North Meridian Avenue in the Moorings Plaza development in northern Wichita. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 9,950 square feet.[3]”News for Three Temples in the USA,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 20 Jun. 2023.
Render Released
On July 22, 2024, the official exterior rendering of the Wichita Kansas Temple was released to the public.[4]”Groundbreaking Date Released for Wichita Kansas Temple,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 22 Jul. 2024.

Groundbreaking Announced
Groundbreaking services for the Wichita Kansas Temple were announced 22 July 2024.[5]”Groundbreaking Date Released for Wichita Kansas Temple,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 22 Jul. 2024.
On Saturday, September 7, 2024, groundbreaking services were held for the Wichita Kansas Temple. Elder Steven R. Bangerter, First Counselor in the North America Central Area Presidency, presided. In his site dedicatory prayer, he said: “Please bless us this day that, as we turn this dirt as a symbol of a new beginning, that we may feel Thy Holy Spirit within our hearts as a manifestation of the divine mission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that we may each feel a new beginning with renewed commitment to live our lives according to His teachings and filled with His love.”[6]”News for Temple Groundbreakings in Kansas and Kiribati,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 9 Sept. 2024.
Date | 2024 09 17 |
By | Steven R. Bangerter |
Role | Seventy |
Attendees | ## |
⮜Preceded by Cagayan de Oro Philippines
Followed by Tarawa Kiribati⮞
Kansas is a state located near the center of the United States. Wichita is the most populous city in the state. A 6.42-acre site located on North Meridian Avenue in the Moorings Plaza development in northern Wichita has been chosen as the site for the temple.
North Meridian Avenue
Wichita, Kansas
United States
Latitude | # |
Longitude | # |
Feet | Meters |
1,327 | 405 |
Acres | Hectares |
6.42 | 2.6 |
The temple is a single story building of about 9,950 square feet.
Area | 9,950 f2 (924 m2) |
Floors above grade | 1 |
Floors below Grade | 0.5* |
Baptistries | 1* |
Initiatories | 10* |
Endowment Rooms | 2* |
Sealing Rooms | 2* |
Sources and Citations
↑1 | ”President Nelson Announces 17 New Temples,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 3 Apr. 2022. |
↑2 | ”President Nelson Announces 17 New Temples,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 3 Apr. 2022. https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/prophet-new-temples-april-2022 |
↑3 | ”News for Three Temples in the USA,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 20 Jun. 2023. |
↑4, ↑5 | ”Groundbreaking Date Released for Wichita Kansas Temple,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 22 Jul. 2024. |
↑6 | ”News for Temple Groundbreakings in Kansas and Kiribati,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 9 Sept. 2024. |