Brigham City Utah Temple
Video and Model Details
[tabby title=”Current Video”]
Once again another Google Earth first model. I decided to finish this high detailed model as the dedication approached. I completed it a couple of months before hand. I’ve had a lot of good feedback on this one from various sources.
White Noise Meadow-land-road spring Moerputten– Klankbeeld
The Author of the Sound I used contacted me after I posted the video. He felt it was a good use of his sound. Since the Audio is the only part of these videos that I did not do myself, it is good to feel that there is approval.
Modeled: 2.63
Render: Cycles
Whole Scene
- Vertices: 136,615
- Faces: 103,660
- Objects: 281
- File Size: 7.38mb
Temple Only
- Vertices: 121,836
- Faces: 91,941
- Objects: 114
- File Size: 5.8mb
[tabby title=”Simple Model”]
Model Details
This was completed just after the concrete panels were finished going up on the Brigham city temple. There was not any glass in the windows yet, so I made that up.
Modeled: Blender 2.49
Render: WebGL render engine
Temple Only
- Vertices: 990
- Faces: 913
- Objects: 4
- File Size: 745 kb
Beautiful and Amazing Thank you for sharing these videos.