Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Wiki
Quick Facts
3 March 1937
President Heber J. Grant
19 December 1939
David Smith
23 September 1945
President George Albert Smith
1000 Memorial Drive
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
United States
(1) 208-522-7669
Additional Facts
The dedication of the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple in 1945 was the first in nearly two decades. The Mesa Arizona Temple was dedicated before it, in 1927.
It was the first Latter-day Saint temple with a single spire above the center of the edifice.
The Idaho Falls Idaho Temple was the first house of the Lord to receive a statue of the angel Moroni after its dedication. The gold-leafed statue familiar to Latter-day Saints worldwide was added in 1983.
The Idaho Falls Idaho Temple (formerly the Idaho Falls Temple) [1]“Temples renamed to uniform guidelines”. Church News. Deseret News. October 16, 1999. Retrieved October 11, 2012. is located in the city of Idaho Falls, Idaho.
The erection of the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple was considered the fulfillment of a prophecy made by Elder Wilford Woodruff in 1884. While visiting the Saints who were struggling to colonize the windswept desert prairie, he said: “Be not discouraged; be not disheartened, because God’s blessing is upon this land.” He continued: “Yes, as I look into the future of this great valley I can see temples—I can see beautiful temples erected to the name of the Living God where holy labors may be carried on in his name through generations to come.”[2] “Temples to Dot the Earth,” Cowan, 1989

The Temple in Idaho Falls was announced on 3 March 1937.[3]The First Presidency, in the Improvement Era of March, 1937 Church President Heber J. Grant envisioned the sacred edifice by the winding Snake River to be “chaste, simple, symmetrical and well proportioned, without much ornamentation or decoration.”[4]Church News Archives. “Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Rededication Fact Box.” Church News, 11 Jan. 2024, www.thechurchnews.com/2017/6/6/23212216/idaho-falls-idaho-temple-rededication-fact-box.
Date | 1937 03 03 |
By | Heber J. Grant |
Role | President |
Via | General Conference |
⮜Preceded by Mesa Arizona
Followed by Los Angeles California⮞
On 19 December 1939 ground was broken by David Smith, president of the North Idaho Falls Stake — later renamed the Idaho Falls North Stake. President Smith was later the first president of the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple.
Date | 1939 12 19 |
By | David Smith |
Role | Stake President |
Attendees | # |
⮜Preceded by Mesa Arizona
Followed by Los Angeles California⮞
In September of 1937 engineer E. Milton Christensen began a site survey and determined that underneath all the sand the temple foundation could be laid on basalt bedrock approximately 18 feet below grade. This rock provided an excellent stable foundation for the temple.[5]“Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017
The building was designed by the church board of temple architects; Edward O. Anderson, Georgious Y. Cannon, Ramm Hansen (one of the Architects for the Mesa Arizona Temple), John Fetzer, Hyrum Pope (One of the Architects for the Cardston Alberta and Laie Hawaii Temples), and Lorenzo Snow Young. Each Architect submitted conceptual designs as part of an in-house competition. John Fetzer, Sr.’s submission was inspired by a vision of an ancient Nephite temple he beheld after had prayed for guidance. Fetzer’s son and partner, Henry Fetzer, then designed the exterior of the building with influences from city skylines and their Art Deco skyscrapers. Fetzer’s design was the one chosen with which to build the temple. [6]“Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017
Construction began in December 1939 with Birdwell Finlayson serving as general contractor.[7]“Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017
As construction began, the Church approached a cement products company located in Salt Lake City, Otto Buehner Co., and asked if they could provide the materials needed to build the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple. The Buehner family eagerly accepted. Years earlier Brother Buehner had received direction in his patriarchal blessing that he and his sons would assist in building temples. (In the years that followed, the Buehner family assisted in the construction of five additional temples.) [8]“Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017
Two years later, the majestic white cast stone exterior stood completed in September 1941 and the interior was expected to be completed the following year. However, with World War II shortages, it delayed the completion of the temple for four more years. [9]“Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017
President David O. McKay, second counselor in the First Presidency, presided over a cornerstone ceremony and site dedication on Oct. 19, 1940. He handed his hat to a 6-year-old John Groberg, who would later serve as a General Authority Seventy and 14th president of the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple.[10]”Idaho Falls Temple” US history. Accessed 26 June 2017
Open House
A 5 day open house was held for the newly completed temple from 15 to 20 September of 1945. This is the first example of an organized multi day open house that was held after construction was completed. (Prior temples had either had no open house, a one day open house (Salt Lake Temple) or had allowed tours during the final year or two of construction (Cardston Alberta and Mesa Arizona.)
Start Date | 1945 09 15 |
End Date | 1945 09 20 |
Days | 6 |
Attendees | # |
Per day | A/D |
President George Albert Smith dedicated the Idaho Falls Temple a month after Japan’s surrender ended the war on 23 September 1945 over 8 sessions. The Idaho Falls Idaho Temple was the only temple dedicated by President George Albert Smith.
The first dedicatory session of the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple, 23 September 1945, was the first general meeting over which President George Albert Smith presided as President of the Church. He commented on this in remarks prior to offering the dedicatory prayer, according to the 29 Septtember 1945, issue of the Church News.
All general authorities and general officers of the Church attended the first dedicatory session of the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple.
President Smith referred to the mighty Snake River when he said in his dedicatory prayer,
Date | 1945 09 23 |
By | George Albert Smith |
Role | President |
Sessions | 10 |
Attendees | # |
⮜Preceded by Mesa Arizona
Followed by Bern Switzerland⮞
Construction Duration
Span | Duration |
Announced to Groundbreaking | 2 y, 9 m, 16 d |
Groundbreaking to Dedication | 5 y, 9 m, 4 d |
Announced to Dedication | 8 y, 6 m, 20 d |
“We are grateful, Heavenly Father, that we have been permitted to rear this temple on this beautiful spot, upon the bank of one of thy majestic rivers, the waters of which have made it possible for Thy faithful Saints residing here to subdue the land and establish delightful homes.”
[11] “Dedicatory Prayer: Idaho Falls Temple,” Improvement Era, Oct. 1945, 563, 565
He prayed that the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple would be
“a house of prayer, a house of praise and of worship, that Thy glory may rest upon it.”
[12] “Dedicatory Prayer: Idaho Falls Temple,” Improvement Era, Oct. 1945, 563, 565
He was also mindful of the many who had recently served their nation during World War II:
“With deep gratitude in our hearts we thank Thee that the nations have ceased their warfare and the destruction of human life. We thank Thee that peace temporarily is established in the earth.”
[13] “Dedicatory Prayer: Idaho Falls Temple,” Improvement Era, Oct. 1945, 563, 565
23,487 members attended one of eight sessions, an average of 2,935 per session. At the time of dedication the temple was 2 Stories, 70,000 square feet, and contained 38 rooms. [14]“Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017
Dedication Order
The Idaho Falls Idaho Temple is the 10th constructed and 8th operating temple of The Church. It is the 1st in Idaho, the 7th in the United States, the 7th in North America, and the 8th Globaly Idaho. At the time of it’s construction there was 1 additional temple under construction and no temples awaiting groundbreaking. As the program of closing temples to undergo renovation and then be rededicated had not begun yet, no temples were officially under renovation at this time, though many temples had been expanded or remodeled by this point.
In 1960 a Visitors Center was added to the temple grounds on the east edge of the property, north of the temple.[15]Rachel Sterzer, “Idaho Falls Temple Open House Begins” LDS.org, 17 April 2017. Accessed 26 June 2017.

Temple is expanded to the west with 2 small additions to expand the space in the dressing rooms.

In 1968 the center section between the two new corners was filled in to add additional space and a new entrance.

A significant renovation was done starting 17 September 1972. The Temple closed for an expansion and reservation that would add a new chapel, sealing rooms, cafeteria, laundry, storage, youth waiting rooms. A New entry was added to the west end between the previous expansions. In all 20,000 square feet and forty-six rooms were added to the temple. The new total area for the temple was over 90,000 square feet and it now contained eighty-four rooms. [16]“Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017 The temple reopened in October 1973.
On 28 October 1972, the Church announced renovations for 5 temples Idaho Falls had actually started a couple of weeks earlier. The 4 newly announced renovations would be rededicated at the completion, which would result in the temple having an open house as well. Idaho Falls would be the lone exception to the rededications.
Date | 1972 10 28 |
By | First Presidency |
Role | – |
Via | Press Release |
⮜Preceded by #
Followed by Mesa Arizona⮞
Announced Renovations 1972 10 28
- Idaho Falls Idaho (Then in progress)
- Mesa Arizona
- Laie Hawaii
- Logan Utah
- St. George Utah

5 May, 38 years after Dedication, an Angel Moroni Statue is placed atop the temple.

New entryway is added to the west side of the temple, and a new heating plant is added to the north west side.
1995 – Jubilee
Hundreds of local Latter-day Saints gathered on 17 September 1995, in the Idaho Falls Idaho North Stake Center for a jubilee commemoration of the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple — just days short of the 50th anniversary. Proceedings were telecast live over local station KIFI Channel 8.
In a letter read over the pulpit from the First Presidency, the temple was referred to as a “spiritual beacon.” The letter continued: “We rejoice with you on the occasion of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the Idaho Falls temple and commend all temple workers and patrons for their faithful temple participation.
“Many who have visited Idaho Falls have viewed this beautiful house of the Lord ‘by the river’ which has served as a spiritual beacon for the past half-century. We are grateful for the faithful efforts of so many today who frequently enter the doors of this temple.”
A letter from the North America Northwest Area presidency related: “The Idaho Falls temple is a source of inspiration and is a beautiful symbol of purity, as it is reflected in the river by day and illuminates the darkened sky by night.”
Presiding over the commemorative services was Elder W. Eugene Hansen of the Presidency of the Seventy and executive director of the Church’s Temple Department. Along with the then-president and matron of the Idaho Falls temple — Preston B. Brimhall and Elizabeth P. Brimhall — were several former presidents and matrons.
New stained glass windows installed
Baptistry redesigned.

Renovation 2017
On 15 December 2014 the Church announced the pending renovation for the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple.[17]“Two Temples Scheduled for Renovation in Germany and Idaho”, Newsroom, LDS Church, 2014-12-16 The renovations took nearly two years.
Date | 2014 12 15 |
By | First Presidency |
Role | – |
Via | Press Release |
⮜Preceded by #
Followed by #⮞
Announced 2014 12 16
Beginning March 16, 2015, the temple closed for renovations that were anticipated to take approximately 18 months. [18]“Two Temples Scheduled for Renovation in Germany and Idaho”, Newsroom, LDS Church, 2014-12-16 The renovations took nearly two years.
A major focus of the renovation was to bring the historic temple up to code. Structural walls were reinforced, and mechanical and electrical systems were upgraded including heating and air conditioning equipment, wiring and lighting, elevator systems, emergency lights and exit signs, and a new fire suppression system. A separate exit was created for brides and grooms, and a large waiting room added for wedding parties—reducing the size of the former office space. In the ordinance rooms, the murals were restored, and the number of seats reduced by approximately 35 percent to increase roominess and to improve the room-to-room progression of the temple. Finishes and furnishings were refreshed throughout the temple, and clothing rental and cafeteria services were retained.[19] “LDS Idaho Falls Temple Renovation,” Okland Construction.
Open House
A public open house was held from 22 April through 20 May 2017, excluding Sundays.[20]“Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Open House, Rededication Dates Announced”, Newsroom, LDS Church, 2016-11-11
Start Date | 2017 04 22 |
End Date | 2017 05 20 |
Days | # |
Attendees | # |
Per day | A/D |
Renovation Cultural Celebration
On Saturday, 3 June 2017, at 7:00 p.m., a youth cultural celebration entitled Temple by the River – Reflections, was held at Holt Arena on the campus of Idaho State University in Pocatello. More than 12,000 teenagers, parents, family members, friends and others participated in the celebration. Youth from Blackfoot, Idaho Falls, Ammon, Shelley, McCammon, Pocatello, Rigby, Salmon and elsewhere spent months practicing for the cultural celebration. Through music, dance and drama, they shared the history of the LDS Church in East Idaho leading up to the construction of the temple.[21]Nate Eaton, “Tens of thousands across Idaho participate in ‘Temple by the river’ production”, KSL.com, 4 June 2017. Accessed 26 June 2017.
Before the show, President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency told the youth, “This is a celebration of light, unity, hope, and faith in every footstep, every dance step, and every music note. Your performance tonight is part of the wonder God will perform in your life and the lives of others.”
The Idaho Falls Idaho temple was rededicated by Elder Henry B. Eyring, second Counselor in the First Presidency, on 4 June 2017.[22]“Idaho’s First Mormon Temple Is Rededicated: 12,000 youth participate in cultural celebration”, Newsroom, LDS Church, 2017-06-04
Three sessions were held at 9:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, and 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, 4 June 2017. The sessions were broadcast to all the stakes in Idaho. To enable the Saints to participate in the temple dedication and to place appropriate focus on this sacred event, the three-hour block meetings will be canceled that day for these members.
President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints presided and offered the dedicatory prayer. Other LDS General Authorities involved in the temple rededication included Elder Ronald A. Rasband of Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder Richard J. Maynes, Elder K. Brett Nattress and Elder Bradley D. Foster. Henry J. Eyring, son of President Henry B. Eyring, told EastIdahoNews.com, ““This is a place of great memories for me. This is the first place I ever entered the temple as a young man performing baptisms for the dead and my father has had great spiritual experiences here as he has sought guidance in leading the college. It’s a marvelous place for us.”
Date | 2017 06 04 |
By | Henry B. Eyring |
Role | 2nd Counselor |
Sessions | # |
Attendees | # |
⮜Preceded by TBA
Followed by TBA⮞
Construction Duration
Span | Duration |
Announced to Groundbreaking | |
Groundbreaking to Dedication | |
Announced to Dedication |
Rededicatory Order
At the time of it’s rededication there were 156 temples in operation in the world (Including Idaho Falls.) There were 12 temples under construction, 9 temples awaiting ground breaking, and 2 undergoing renovation.
Under Construction
- Rio De Janeiro
- Cedar City Utah
- Tucson Arizona
- Arequipa Peru
- Winnipeg Manitoba
- Durban South Africa
- Barranquilla Colombia
- Kinshasa DRC
- Lisbon Portugal
- Concepcion Chile
- Fortaleza Brazil
- Rome Italy
Awaiting Groundbreaking
Under Renovation
- Frankfurt Germany
- Jordan River
Temple President | Temple Matron | Years Served |
Patrick Michael Poston | Wanda Kaye Phillips Poston | 2022– |
Doyle Lee Batt | Karen Clayson Batt | 2019–2022 |
Donald J Archibald | Sherry Stephens Archibald | 2014–2019 |
Gerald Arthur Mead | Karen Christensen Mead | 2011–2014 |
Larry Grant Stoddard | Annette Oswald Stoddard | 2008–2011 |
John Holbrook Groberg | Jean Sabin Groberg | 2005–2008 |
Newell Kay Richardson | Illa Mae Cook Richardson | 2002–2005 |
Mark George Ricks | Evelyn Tonks Ricks | 1999–2002 |
Glenn Crump Nelson | Emma Jane Thornton Nelson | 1996–1999 |
Preston Burns Brimhall | Elizabeth (Betty) Ann Poole Brimhall | 1993–1996 |
Corneilous Gayle Williams | Ruby Holloway Williams | 1990–1993 |
Milton Arvil Romrell | Helen Wadsworth Romrell | 1987–1990 |
Rheim Magleby Jones | Alice Brinton Jones | 1984–1987 |
Devere Harris | Velda Gibbs Harris | 1980–1984 |
Delbert Valentine Groberg | Jennie Holbrook Groberg | 1975–1980 |
Cecil Elmo Hart | Vera Christina Pfost Hart | 1970–1975 |
Parley Andrew Arave | Martha Leila Anderson Arave | 1966–1970 |
William Leslie Killpack | Janette Lattimer Killpack | 1949–1965 |
David Smith | Emily Hancock Smith | 1943–1949 |
A 13.3-acre parcel located at the intersection of N 800 West and W 100 North has been chosen as the location for the temple.
Standing on the banks of the Snake River, just above the cascading waters for which the city is named, the gleaming white Idaho Falls Idaho Temple serves as a centerpiece to the city. Just east of the temple is a gorgeous waterfall feature and public visitors’ center featuring films, displays, multimedia presentations, and an awe-inspiring reproduction of Thorvaldsen’s Christus statue. A stake center and parking lot occupy the property just south of the temple on the former site of an LDS Hospital.
The design of the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple was inspired by a vision of an ancient Nephite temple beheld by architect John Fetzer, Sr., who had prayed for guidance.
The temple was built on a 7-acre (2.8 ha) plot,The temple is 148 ft tall. 234 ft wide, and 192 ft long.
The east side of the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple originally featured a series of three reflecting ponds that were filled with water lilies and small fish. In the 1960’s, the ponds were converted to flowerbeds. In 2011, the concrete ponds were removed as part of a landscaping renovation and replaced with a waterfall feature.
In October 2011, a complete renovation of the landscaping of the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple was completed, which included replacement of the flower beds on the east side of the temple with a beautiful waterfall feature, installation of four gathering plazas—one in each quadrant of the grounds, reconfiguration of the walkway to the baptistry, and creation of a bridal courtyard on the south side of the temple. The Idaho Falls Beautification Commission awarded the project its top award for 2012 in the non-residential category.
200 North and 400 East
Ephraim, Utah
United States
Latitude | # |
Longitude | # |
Feet | Meters |
4,506 | 1,373 |
Acres | Hectares |
13.3 | 5.4 |
The building is faced with two-inch-thick Mo-Sai precast white quartz and concrete aggregate cladding. Mo-Sai was a newly developed method for fabricating exposed aggregate concrete in 1940, and its use on the temple was considered experimental. The material reflects color changes in the sky throughout the day.[23]“Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017
The original, unadorned windows on the Idaho Falls Temple were replaced in 2005 with Art Glass panels created by Architectural Art Glass and designed by CRSA.[24]Robert Fehrenbacker, “Idaho Falls LDS Temple Window Replacement,” Behance, 17 December 2010. Accessed 27 June 2017.
Exterior Finish
Architectural Features
Feet | Meters | |
Height | # | # |
To Shoulder | # | # |
Width | # | # |
Length | # | # |
Footprint | # | # |
Originally above the doors on the east side of the temple, the text was carved directly into the precast concrete panel right above the east door.
Order: | House only |
Location: | East side above the entrance. |
Language: | English |
Type: | Engraved letters |
Color: | unadorned |
Setting: | Precast stone panel |
Font: | TBD |
Glyph: | [none] |
Church Name: | Yes |
Temple Name: | Yes |
Dates: | No |
When the entrance of the temple was enclosed, a new inscription, possibly in raised letters, was built at the top of the temple, behind the entrance.
Order: | House only |
Location: | East side, top of the temple. |
Language: | English |
Type: | Raised letters (?) |
Color: | Brass (?) |
Setting: | Precast stone panel |
Font: | TBD |
Glyph: | [none] (?) |
Church Name: | Yes |
Temple Name: | Yes |
Dates: | No |
When the entrance of the temple was enclosed, a new inscription, possibly in raised letters, was built at the top of the temple, behind the entrance.
Order: | Holiness > House |
Location: | East side, top of the temple entrance. |
Language: | English |
Type: | Raised letters |
Color: | Brass |
Setting: | Precast stone panel |
Font: | Michelangelo |
Glyph: | [none] |
Church Name: | Yes |
Temple Name: | No |
Dates: | No |
Spires and Moroni
The Idaho Falls Idaho Temple was the first temple designed with a central spire. The design represented a return to the use of spires, as the three previously dedicated temples (Cardston Alberta, Laie Hawaii and Mesa Arizona) featured no towers or spires. Prior to the spire-less temples, it was common for the temples to have 6 spires (Salt Lake Temple,) 2 spires, (Logan Utah, Manti Utah) or 1 spire (St. George Utah ).
The use of a single spire is a style that has since been adapted and replicated for dozens of Mormon temples. The Idaho Falls Idaho Temple is a masterpiece of the International Style, which was popular in the first half of the 20th century. The architects created a distinctly Mormon building that also fit well with the cutting-edge design of the 1930s
Spire Details
Spires | 1 |
Location | Center |
Finish | Precast |
Type | tower |
shape | Square |
Tower shape | square |
The spire rises 125 ft atop the temple to a total height of 150 ft.
Though initially constructed without an angel Moroni, in September 1983, a helicopter was employed to install an Angel Moroni statue atop the spire.
The Angel Moroni statue atop the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple is a casting made by LaVar Wallgren of the statue created by Torlief Knaphus for the Washington D.C. Ward chapel in 1930. Knaphus made the statue as a replica of Cyrus E. Dallin’s statue atop the Salt Lake Temple. (Another casting of this statue stands atop the Boston Massachusetts Temple and a third formerly sat atop the Atlanta Georgia Temple.)

Sculptor: | Torlief Knaphus |
Commissioned: | ~1980 |
Completed: | |
Material: | Fiberglass |
Height: | 11′ 6″ (3.5m) |
Weight: | 400 lbs (181.44 kg) |
Currently On: | 2 |
Finish: | Gold |
Placed: | 1983 09 05 |
Faces: | East |
The Idaho Falls Idaho Temple has a total floor area of 92,177 square feet (8,563.5 m2).
Area | 32,240 f2 (2,995.19 m2) |
Floors above grade | 2 |
Floors below Grade | 1 |
Baptistries | 1 |
Initiatories | |
Endowment Rooms | 4 |
Sealing Rooms |
The font is held up by 12 Art Deco, white bronze (a nonporous alloy highly resistant to corrosion) oxen, designed by Torlief Knaphus.
Baptistries: | 1 |
Location: | Center |
Exterior Windows: | No |
Artwork: | Yes |
Artwork Type: | Mural, High, all |
Oxen: | 12 |
Type: | 1/4 |
Hoof: | Visible |
Color: | Pale Bronze |
Layout: | 3 spread each at Compass |
Font Exterior: | Pale Bronze |
Interior: | Light Blue Tile |
Shape: | Round |
Bowl Shape: | Round |
Pillar: | Ribs |
Stairs: | Single, Center |
Font Well: | Exterior |
Ordinance Rooms
The Idaho Falls Idaho Temple is one of only seven temples where patrons progress through four ordinance rooms before passing into the Celestial Room. (The other six temples are the Manti Utah, Salt Lake, Laie Hawaii, Cardstonn Alberta, Los Angeles California Temple, and the Nauvoo Illinois Temples.)
The Ordinance Rooms feature beautiful hand-painted murals on the walls.
Creation Room
Harris T. Weberg depicted scenes of the Creation.[25]“Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017
Garden Room
Robert Shepherd created a chromatic, Art Nouveau-inspired Garden Room. At the front of the room arer two bas-relief trees representing good and evil, created by Torlief Knaphus.[26]“Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017
World Room
Joseph A. F. Everett’s painting of the world room represents life’s hardships in a local farming scene with a pioneer couple, Adam and Eve, breaking ground in a field of sagebrush.[27]“Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017
Terrestrial Room
The Terrestrial room is the only ordinance room in the Idaho Falls Temple without murals.
Rooms | 4 |
Type | Progressive |
Capacity | # |
Murals | y |
Total Muraled Rooms | 3 |
Mural Type | Full Wall |
Celestial Room.
Lee Green Richards painted the murals for the Celestial Room, representing the highest kingdom of heaven. Murals are rarely located in Celestial rooms (Only two other temples feature full Celestial Room murals: the Hamilton New Zealand Temple and the Los Angeles California Temple. The corner pillars in the Logan Utah Temple Celestial room portray a heavenly landscape, too.) Richards created warm images of eternal families in a park-like setting, and included a panel telling the story of the vision of a new Zion from the Book of Revelations.[28]“Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017
Sealing Rooms
The Idaho Falls Idaho Temple has 9 sealing rooms.
Sealing Rooms | 9 |
Capacity |
Individuals and Contractors
The architects for this temple were a temporary firm formed for this purpose by Edward O. Anderson, Georgius Y. Cannon, Ramm Hansen, Hyrum Pope, John Fetzer (Assisted by Henry Fetzer, Lorenzo S. Young,
Projects by Edward O. Anderson
Project | Years |
Idaho Falls Idaho | 1937-1945 |
Los Angeles California | 1937-1956 |
Bern Switzerland | 1952-1955 |
Mesa Arizona [renovation] | 1953-1955 |
London England | 1955-1958 |
Hamilton New Zealand | 1955-1958 |
St. George Utah [renovation] | 1956-1958 |
Salt Lake [renovation] | 1962-1966 |
Projects By Hyrum C. Pope
Project | Years |
Cardston Alberta | 1913-1923 |
Laie Hawaii | 1915-1919 |
Idaho Falls Idaho | 1937-1945 |
Project Manager
The project manager for this project was Arthur Price.
Projects by Arthur Price
Project | Years |
Mesa Arizona | 1919-1927 |
Idaho Falls Idaho | 1937-1945 |
Oakland California | 1943-1964 |
Birdwell Finlayson was the General Contractor for this temple.
Engineer | E. Milton Christensen |
Precast Concrete | Otto Buehner Co |
Mural Painter | Harris T Weberg |
Mural Painter | Robert Shepherd |
Mural Painter | Joseph A. F, Everett |
Mural Painter | Lee Green Richards |
Architect (1972) | Emil B. Fetzer (Expansion) |
Architect (2005) | CRSA (Art Glass Windows) |
Stained Glass (2005) | Architectural Art Glass |
Architect (2008) | Jensen, Hayes, Shropshire |
Architect (2011) | MGB+A (Landscaping) |
Contractor (2011) | Headwaters Construction (Landscaping) |
Architect (2015) | Naylor, Wentworth, Lund Architects |
Contractor (2015) | Okland Construction |
Sources and Citation
↑1 | “Temples renamed to uniform guidelines”. Church News. Deseret News. October 16, 1999. Retrieved October 11, 2012. |
↑2 | “Temples to Dot the Earth,” Cowan, 1989 |
↑3 | The First Presidency, in the Improvement Era of March, 1937 |
↑4 | Church News Archives. “Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Rededication Fact Box.” Church News, 11 Jan. 2024, www.thechurchnews.com/2017/6/6/23212216/idaho-falls-idaho-temple-rededication-fact-box. |
↑5, ↑6, ↑7, ↑8, ↑9, ↑14, ↑16, ↑23, ↑25, ↑26, ↑27, ↑28 | “Idaho Falls Temple” SAH Archipedia. Accessed 26 June 2017 |
↑10 | ”Idaho Falls Temple” US history. Accessed 26 June 2017 |
↑11, ↑12, ↑13 | “Dedicatory Prayer: Idaho Falls Temple,” Improvement Era, Oct. 1945, 563, 565 |
↑15 | Rachel Sterzer, “Idaho Falls Temple Open House Begins” LDS.org, 17 April 2017. Accessed 26 June 2017. |
↑17, ↑18 | “Two Temples Scheduled for Renovation in Germany and Idaho”, Newsroom, LDS Church, 2014-12-16 |
↑19 | “LDS Idaho Falls Temple Renovation,” Okland Construction. |
↑20 | “Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Open House, Rededication Dates Announced”, Newsroom, LDS Church, 2016-11-11 |
↑21 | Nate Eaton, “Tens of thousands across Idaho participate in ‘Temple by the river’ production”, KSL.com, 4 June 2017. Accessed 26 June 2017. |
↑22 | “Idaho’s First Mormon Temple Is Rededicated: 12,000 youth participate in cultural celebration”, Newsroom, LDS Church, 2017-06-04 |
↑24 | Robert Fehrenbacker, “Idaho Falls LDS Temple Window Replacement,” Behance, 17 December 2010. Accessed 27 June 2017. |
great job!
Thanks, I appreciate it!