I love mornings now that School is back in session. 2 Kids at school, 1 down for a nap, and the 1 left following me around loves to sort Laundry with me. This morning has been just that. Laundry, and more updates to the Pocatello Model.
Also, I was distracted by the release of the interior photos for the Concepción Chile interior images, so go check those out if you have not done so already.
The windows have this fascinating 8 sided medallion above them. The render is not high enough resolution to identify exactly what it looks like, but I am hoping I am close enough for now. I added the notched details around the window, and noticed that at least 2 corners of the bottom story have inset rounds on them. Lot’s of small details here. I got work on the entryway as well, mostly done with that now, I think.
Right now, during the initial modeling, the whole temple is mirrored, left to right, back to front. As I can’t see what I assume is the North and East sides in the render, I have to just guess. So for now, I am guessing the temple has an entrance on both sides. This makes sense if it turns out the temple is in the center of the lot.
Next up are the second and third floor and all the accompanying details up there.

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