19k 1 Story


Single Story Temple with no basement. A single baptistery is in the center of the temple directly under the spire. At the back of the temple is a Celestial Room, with an endowment room in one back corner, and a Multi-purpose sealing room in the other back corner. Between the Celestial Room and the Baptistry is a bespoke sealing room.

Temples of this floorplan range from 18,000-20,000 differences in the official square footage can be explained either through variations in how localities calculate footage, or temple rooms being made bigger or smaller for larger or smaller lots or estimated patronage.

Floors above grade1
Floors below Grade0
Endowment Rooms1
Sealing Rooms2

Multi-Purpose Rooms

An unusual feature of this floor plan is that it was designed so that both the endowment room and the sealing room can be rearranged to perform either function, at any time giving the temple 2 Endowment rooms or 2 Sealing rooms, with none of the other. This is accomplished by giving both rooms padded single chairs, rather than putting in the linked fold down theater seating we usually see in endowment rooms.

Despite this planned flexibility, there is indication that in at least 2 of the temples, Helena Montana and Casper Wyoming, the endowment room now has permanent seating in the Endowment room, the chairs having been replaced with the More comfortable theater seating. This Change has directly lead to the creation of a new floor plan, the 19 k square foot variant. This plan is very similar in layout, but has 1 permanent endowment room, 1 permanent sealing room, and one multipurpose room that can be configured either way.


Under Construction

TempleGroundbreaking YearSquare Footage
Grand Rapids Michigan202420,123

Render Released

Temple AnnouncedYear Render ReleasedSquare Footage
La Paz Bolivia202418,850
Natal Brazil202410,787
Harrisburg Pennsylvania202420,000
Toluca Mexico202419,000
João Pessoa Brazil202418,850
Cuernavaca Mexico202419,000
Des Moines Iowa202418,850
Missoula Montana202419,000
Tuguegarao City Philippines202518,850

Size Announced*

TempleYear Size AnnouncedSquare Footage
Santos Brazil202223,000
Lagos Nigeria202319,800
Iquitos Peru202420,000
*Temples listed in this section may not end up being of this floor plan, but are here because they appear to fit the description.

Official Renders