Pago Pago American Samoa

18k 1 Story


The New Pacific Plan

Single Story Temple with no basement. A single baptistery is in One of the front corners. At the back center of the temple is a Celestial Room, with an endowment room flanking it on either side, and a sealing rooms in the back corners.

When this temple design was first released, it was announced as a new floorplan for the Pacific area.

Temples of this floorplan range from 16,000-19,800 differences in the official square footage can be explained either through variations in how localities calculate footage, or temple rooms being made bigger or smaller for larger or smaller lots or estimated patronage.

Floors above grade1
Floors below Grade0
Endowment Rooms2
Sealing Rooms2



TempleYearSquare Footage
Nairobi Kenya202516,000*

Under Construction

TempleGroundbreaking YearSquare Footage
Harare Zimbabwe202017,250
Neiafu Tonga202117,000
Pago Pago American Samoa202117,000
Bahía Blanca Argentina202219,000
Freetown Sierra Leone202218,000
Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo202216,700
Lagos Nigeria202519,800

Official Renders