30k 2 story


Two story Temple with full basement. Upper floor has 2 endowment rooms and 2 sealing rooms. Ground floor has administrative spaces and a single baptistry.

Temples of this floorplan range from 22,750-30,700 differences in the official square footage can be explained either through variations in how localities calculate footage, or temple rooms being made bigger or smaller for larger or smaller lots or estimated patronage.

Floors above grade2
Floors below Grade1
Endowment Rooms2
Sealing Rooms2



TempleYearSquare Footage
Salvador Brazil202429,963

Under Construction

TempleGroundbreaking YearSquare Footage
Querétaro Mexico202327,500
Montpelier Idaho202327,000
Miraflores Guatemala City Guatemala202430,000
Benin City Nigeria202530,700

Render Released

Temple AnnouncedYear Render ReleasedSquare Footage
Mexico City Benemérito Mexico202429,000
Teresina Brazil202425,420

Size Announced*

TempleYear Size AnnouncedSquare Footage
Kumasi Ghana202422,750
*Temples listed in this section may not end up being of this floor plan, but are here because they appear to fit the description.

Official Renders