Feather River California

40k 2 Story


Two Story Temple with partial basement around the font. A single baptistery is in the center back of the temple directly under the celestial room. Upper story is a Celestial Room, with four endowment rooms in front of it, changing rooms and a waiting chapel near the center, and three sealing rooms across the front.

Temples of this floorplan range from 38,600-45,000 differences in the official square footage can be explained either through variations in how localities calculate footage, or temple rooms being made bigger or smaller for larger or smaller lots or estimated patronage.

Floors above grade2
Floors below Grade0.25
Endowment Rooms4
Sealing Rooms3



TempleYearSquare Footage
Richmond Virginia202339,202
Feather River California202341,665
Auckland New Zealand202540,000*

Under Construction

TempleGroundbreaking YearSquare Footage
Burley Idaho202238,600
Ephraim Utah202239,000

Render Released

Temple AnnouncedYear Render ReleasedSquare Footage
McKinney Texas (original)202444,000
Lethbridge Alberta202445,000
Vancouver Washington202443,000
Tacoma Washington202445,000

Size Announced*

TempleYear Size AnnouncedSquare Footage
São Paulo East Brazil202246,050
*Temples listed in this section may not end up being of this floor plan, but are here because they appear to fit the description.

Official Renders