Three Story Temple with Full basement. The basement features two full separate baptistries, including separate sets of changing rooms. Ground floor has administrative space. Second floor has changing rooms, the endowment rooms, a waiting chapel, and the celestial room, arranged center of one side of the building. Top floor has initiatory spaces, sealing rooms,a nd the upper half of the celestial room.
Temples of this floor plan range from 81,000-35,865 differences in the official square footage can be explained either through variations in how localities calculate footage, or temple rooms being made bigger or smaller for larger or smaller lots or estimated patronage.
* variation on the previous plans, as it features only one baptistry
Size Announced
Size Announced Year
Square Footage
West Valley Utah
Major Variation
The Syracuse Utah Temple features this same floor plan on the upper two floors, but has no basement, with the functionality of that space incorporated into a larger ground floor (including the 2 baptistries). This is possibly due to a high water table, due to proximity to the Great Salt Lake.