Snowflake Arizona

Hinckley Small Temple Gen 4 & 4a

Generation 4


A variation of the Generation 3 plan, this floor plan was designed specifically for lots with a high degree of slope. The plan is the Generation 3 plan, cut in half between the entryway and the first endowment room, and then the two halves stacked. The upper floor retains the same 2 endowment room progressive layout as the generation 3 temples, with the rooms flanked on either side by dressing rooms, and 2 sealing rooms either side of the far end celestial room. The bottom floor contains the baptistry, as well as administrative space, and facilities not in the smaller Generation 3 plan.

Each of these temples has a lower story that is half in the ground, and has one end wall completely exposed.

The first Temple built to this plan was Caracas Venezuela. It has an entryway on the upper story, and the spire is far to the front, almost over the entrance. It was dedicated before the first of the temples listed here as Generation 4A by about 8 months.

Floors above grade1.5
Floors below Grade0.5
Endowment Rooms2 (progressive)
Sealing Rooms2


TempleYearSquare Footage
Caracas Venezuela200015,332

Generation 4A


While Caracas Venezuela, has the entryway at the top and a waiting area below the entry on the bottom story, the next 2 of these temples built reverse those 2 areas. They have a lower story entrance with an upper story waiting room. Beyond that, the layouts appear the same, or mostly so, for both floors.

Floors above grade1.5
Floors below Grade0.5
Endowment Rooms2 (progressive)
Sealing Rooms2


TempleYearSquare Footage
Winter Quarters Nebraska200116,000
Snowflake Arizona200218,621

Official Renders