Twin Falls Idaho Temple thumb

Hinckley Small Temple Gen 6


A derivative of the Generation 4a plan, this plan was designed to be a larger version of that plan for lots that are flat, lacking the slope the Generation 4 plan had to deal with. One of the changes was the addition of a waiting chapel on the second floor. For the lower floor, the baptistry was removed from the center of the floor, to the back, directly underneath the Celestial Room. This plan would, Ina sense, become a template for many temples to follow, where both the celestial and the baptistry occupy the back center of the building.

Floors above grade2
Floors below Grade0
Endowment Rooms2 (progressive)
Sealing Rooms2


TempleYearSquare Footage
Curitiba Brazil200827,850
Twin Falls Idaho200831,245
Vancouver British Columbia201028,165
Manaus Brazil200632,032

Official Render